Oruawairua The future of the UTW Blumine Island program.
Strengths and Weakness of the program as a way of exploring Sustainability ideas…
Sustainability ideas the UTW Blumine Island Program explores… The idea of preserving the island for future generations was explored and exemplified through products we used during our stay on the island. The foods we ate were from sustainable sources and waste was minimised as much as possible (i.e. taking muesli bars out of boxes before coming)
Other sustainability ideas explored... Another idea that is explored in the program is sustaining the islands predator-free status. On the camps that take place twice during the year, students are in encouraged to set traps if necessary and continuously check the island for unwanted pests, in order to keep its predator free status and therefore sustain the biodiversity on the island for generations to come. The idea of sustainability in the general environment is also explored through the focus on how the students involved in the camps can use the knowledge they learn, to increase awareness and spread ideas of sustainability throughout their communities when they return home. The aim of this is to have a younger generations of environmental leaders growing into the shoes of older, more experienced generations, so there is always someone there to preserve the amazing environment and biodiversity we have in New Zealand.
Sustainability ideas that UTW Blumine Is. Program could explore more… Due to the limited time and funding available for the Blumine Is. Project it is difficult to sustain the work the students are doing on the island. Things such as path clearing needs continuous work throughout the year in order for to students to be able to make the most of their time on the island, and work more efficiently. Maintaining the predator free status is also difficult without continuous work, and an example of this was recently when one of the rare Tieke ( Saddleback) was caught in a trap made for stoats, several weeks before students arrived on the island. This meant there was considerable time before help was available on the island to modify traps in order to prevent this from occurring again, and save this protected species. If time was not so limited, the work the students do could be sustained more effectively, and other ideas to increase biodiversity on the island could be looked into.
How has the UTW Blumine Is. Program influenced ME?
Increases awareness of how my actions affect the environment We have more ideas about how and why we should spread our knowledge through our communities Our knowledge has given us more inspiration to step up and take actions to preserve and restore the environment around us We have developed more leadership skills and confidence that will help in all aspects of our lives.
How can the UTW Blumine Is. Program be made more sustainable? How can I contribute to this?
Continued sponsorship is critical to the continuation of this program. Increasing interest in the program and therefore strengthening the reputation. Ensuring students work on the camps is maintained How can the program be made more sustainable?
How can I contribute to this? We can help with trying to retain sponsorship, by providing our sponsors with feedback on the program and our ideas which they value. By raising awareness of the program and spreading word of our indescribable experience on the island to our wider communities, we can increase the reputation of the program and generate interest in it. By merely taking part in the program we can keep the work going on the island and ensure its sustainability, as a base for future projects that are funded on the island.
If I had 2 minutes to talk to the directors of UTW Charitable Trust, what would I say?
In summary, we’d say… Thank you so much for the amazing experience! Its an indescribable opportunity that’s going to have a long last effect on all of us, in one form or another. The skills and knowledge learnt will help us in various aspects of life and make us more aware of the environment around us, potentially creating leaders in environmental fields all around the world. It’s critical that it continues, for the sustainability of Blumine Island, and if there were more opportunities like this throughout the year, the work that is done could be more easily maintained, and even better things could be accomplished on the island, by the students. “Thanks heaps for the free trip and keep up the good shit!” – A Milee quote!
THE END! Created by Chelsea, Holly, Adriana & Atu!!