. Name of the food. Net quantity or amount of product.
All food products must have……. Name and address of Name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor. The ingredient list. Nutrition labeling & any required allergy labeling any required allergy labeling.
Food Labels…what does it mean? Fat-free Less than 1/2 (0.5) gram of fat in a serving. Low fat 3 grams of fat (or less) per serving. Calorie-free Less than 5 calories per serving. Low-calorie Fewer than 40 calories per serving Lean Lean (on meat labels) Less than 10 grams of fat per serving. 4.5 grams or less of saturated fat per serving. Less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol per serving.Cholesterol-free Less than 2 milligrams of cholesterol per serving. 2 grams (or less) of saturated fat per serving.
Food Labels…what does it mean? Reduced An altered product that contains at least 25 percent fewer – Calories – Sodium – Sugar than the regular one. Lite (Light) Contains 1/3 fewer calories of the higher-calorie. No more than 1/2 the fat of the higher-fat version. No more than 1/2 the sodium of the higher-sodium version.Healthy The food must be low in fat and saturated fat Must contain limited amounts of cholesterol and sodium.
Food Additives Enriched foods Food in which nutrients lost during processing are added back in. Fortified foods Food in which nutrients not usually found in foods are added.
Reading Food Labels