2015 Archery Season Kick-off Parents Meeting Mount Vernon Shooting Sports
Introductions Head Coach – Tom Wilkinson Assistant Head Coaches – Ron Lochner and Laurie Keller President – Chuck Hallier Vice President – Doug Shannon Secretary – Lori Merlak Treasurer – Chris Hallier BAI Trained Coaches – Dave Garrelts, Dave Tanberg, Marcia Barnhart, Sandy Tanberg, Dave Tanberg, Todd Vlasek, Dave Hof, Jeff Friedman, Beth Johnson, Nate Flynn, Ryan Reyhons
What is NASP The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) is a joint venture between state Departments of Education and Wildlife. Several archery equipment manufacturers and organizations are also partners. The program promotes student education and participation in the life long sport of Archery. The program's focus is to provide International style target archery training in physical education classes, for grades Department of Natural Resources Objective: Declining participation in the shooting sports threatens financial and public support for wildlife conservation. Since its inception in 2002, more than 4 million students in over 5,000 schools located in 49 states and 5 countries have participated in the NASP. We expect many of these young people to make Archery a life sport. Department of Education Objective: Engage more students in the educational process to improve classroom performance and reduce dropout rates. The national school dropout rate is 10%. Most students (88%) who drop out of school indicate they were not involved in extra-curricular activities. Archery taught by the NASP is accessible to all students of nearly all age groups. Educators are reporting that the NASP "engages the unengaged" and inspires students to greater achievement in school.
Registration Registration Fee - $80 Helps defer the costs of uniforms, string bow, tournament fees, transportation, practice facility, equipment, etc. String Bows – if your archer has one from last year you will receive a refund of $5, which will be paid after practices start and your archer shows us the string bow at the first practice. Registration documents can be found at New Archer Orientation Oct. 27 or 29 New Archers only - go to website and sign up Only one of the dates and times are required Registration Deadline – Friday, October 23 th Practice Schedule will be sent out on October 25 th.
Apparel Orders For family and friends Information Coming
Equipment Genesis Bow – original and unmodified Club has 52 bows archers can use if they choose. Will not be able to check them out to use outside of practice or tournaments. Purchase your own bows Matt from Palo Outdoors is available for questions and ordering
Costs Tournament 8-10 local tournaments State Transportation Practice Space Equipment (52 bows in club) Strings ($35 each) Cables ($35 each) Rest ($18 each) Targets ($185 each) Bows ($150 each) Arrows ($4.50 each) Shoot Bow 120 arrows /week 14 weeks practice 1680 arrows Replace Worn parts $ 75 / bow
Fundraising All archers are encouraged to participate in all activities for the club. Fundraising planned for this year: Soup Supper – November 13 th MV Tournament – January 9 th Watch for Sign up on the web site
Become a Sponsor Bullseye - $1,000 and up (recognized on the back of the team shirts) Red - $500 Blue - $250 Black - $100 White - $25 All levels are recognized on the website and a banner flown at all club events Sponsor Deadlines – November 1st
Volunteer Opportunities Practice support Adults interested in coaching and/or support help please contact Tom Wilkinson. Events School Archery Units – HS, MS, ES Soup Supper November 13 th MV Archery Tournament January 9 th North Linn Fish and Game Clean Up Day Whitetails Unlimited Banquet January 7 th, 10 th Volunteer sign ups will be posted on the website as we get closer to the events.
NASP Rules for Iowa League – Dec 1 to Feb 20 Failure to provide participant and parent/guardian info will disqualify archers for league/state events Sportsmanship rules are connected to eligibility in league and state events Iowa State Championships – Iowa State Fair Grounds Will include 3D tournament with awards - Top teams will register by league rank after Feb 20 th Team trophy to Top 3 teams in each division Individual awards for Top 10 individuals per division and gender All-State Team: Top 6 boys and top 6 girls overall will be determined by top 2 league and state score – awarded plaque and possibly represent Iowa in…? Top individual boy and girl overall – awarded a Genesis bow Top senior boy and girl awarded $1500 scholarship Runner up senior boy and girl awarded $1000 scholarship For entire rules go to club website or archeryintheschools.org
MV Club PRACTICE Guidelines/Rules Tuesdays and Thursdays - 3 sessions Attendance records kept Logistics for practice will be shared with the practice schedule Questions: - Fully engaged in practice - No electronic devices or other distractions during practice. Clean, closed-toed shoes – same as those for tournament day For full list of guidelines and rules check club website or ask for paper copy.
Practice Site Practice Times – Tuesday & Thursday 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm
MV Club SHOOT Guidelines/Rules League shoots are on Saturdays during December, January and February All archers shall register for league scheduled shoots in November A current team uniform top (included with club dues), black pants & closed toed shoes must be worn to all events. Archers are encouraged to RIDE THE TEAM BUS TO SHOOTS (20X safer) Check in (late comers) with COACH PARENT check out clipboard at TEAM CAMP We EXPECT excellent conduct from our club members Parents: Bring binoculars to see target rather than asking archer for score updates For full list of guidelines and rules check club website or ask for paper copy.
MV Club Guidelines for STATE All archers may shoot in league shoots State NASP - team is a max of 24 per division 3D team - TBA Coed rules – min of 4 opp. gender/team For state: Top 2 leagues scores For club: Team designation based on … 80%+ attendance and archer conduct Number of times an archer’s score was included in a team score Archer’s league scores improvement or archer’s ability to maintain scores State team announced after state registration confirmed, based on team state rank. Practices start immediately.
MV Club Guidelines for NATIONALS Announcements made at Archery Banquet about costs and teams Same NASP rules apply State scores for team must meet registration standards for Nationals (Tiers) Club Board will determine which teams will be registered Practices start end of March (for national team) Commitment to practices and costs We EXPECT excellent conduct of archers and coaches at Nationals
Archery AWARDs League shoot team trophies/individual medals Club recognizes personal records – MVA logo sticker MVHS Letter – 2 years HS team, top attendance, state scores for team National/State National NASP Tournament offers scholarships to the top archers of the tournament ($50,000) Iowa top senior boy and girl awarded $1500 scholarship Iowa runner up senior boy and girl awarded $1000 scholarship
MV Archery Club Scholarship Last spring the club received a $2,500 donation from Hitaga Archery Club for our support over the years. There was a $250 collection at Nationals given to the coaches for their support. The Board voted to take the $2,750 and set it aside for a $250 archery scholarship each year for the next 10 years for one senior. Requirements will be posted on the website.
Questions? NASP Rules and Club Rules – Tom Wilkinson Website and Communication – Doug Shannon Archery Equipment – Ron Lochner, Palo Outdoors Fundraising / Volunteer sign up – Laurie Keller Registration and dues – Chris Hallier Sponsors – Contact Chuck Hallier