“Teaching the Science, Inspiring the Art, Producing Aviation Candidates!” Instrument Flying A Brief Overview Written for the Notre Dame Pilot Initiative By the Pilots of the University of Notre Dame Written for the Notre Dame Pilot Initiative By the Pilots of the University of Notre Dame
QuoteQuote "There will be a new industry, and we are just now in the beginning. I will predict that in twelve or fifteen years there will be tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people, that fly and see that black sky." Burt Rutan "There will be a new industry, and we are just now in the beginning. I will predict that in twelve or fifteen years there will be tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people, that fly and see that black sky." Burt Rutan
RoadmapRoadmap Overview Navigation Airways Holding Patterns Approaches Regulations Overview Navigation Airways Holding Patterns Approaches Regulations
IntroIntro Purpose To fly in IMC Greater proficiency Privileges File/Fly an IFR flight plan Fly in IMC Fly in Class A Fly SVFR at night Purpose To fly in IMC Greater proficiency Privileges File/Fly an IFR flight plan Fly in IMC Fly in Class A Fly SVFR at night
IntroIntro Requirements 50 hours cross-country PIC 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument One cross country flight under IFR Requirements 50 hours cross-country PIC 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument One cross country flight under IFR
IntroIntro Requirements 50 hours cross-country PIC 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument One cross country flight under IFR Requirements 50 hours cross-country PIC 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument One cross country flight under IFR
BasicsBasics Driving 1.On-Ramp 2.Highway 3.Off-Ramp Driving 1.On-Ramp 2.Highway 3.Off-Ramp Flying 1.SID (DP) 2.Airway 3.STAR
NavigationNavigation Point-to-Point (Airway) Flying: VOR Very-High Frequency Omnidirectional Range NBD Nondirectional Radio Beacon LORAN GPS Direct Routing GPS INS Point-to-Point (Airway) Flying: VOR Very-High Frequency Omnidirectional Range NBD Nondirectional Radio Beacon LORAN GPS Direct Routing GPS INS
AirwaysAirways Include airspace within 4nm of each side of centerline Victor Low Altitude – 1,200AGL – 17,999MSL Jet High Altitude – 18,000MSL – FL450 Include airspace within 4nm of each side of centerline Victor Low Altitude – 1,200AGL – 17,999MSL Jet High Altitude – 18,000MSL – FL450
AltitudesAltitudes Minimum En Route Altitude (MEA) Ensures navigation signal reception and adequate obstacle clearance Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA) Provides obstacle clearance Minimum En Route Altitude (MEA) Ensures navigation signal reception and adequate obstacle clearance Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA) Provides obstacle clearance
Holding Patterns Reasons ATC Delays Weather Airport Closed Parts Reasons ATC Delays Weather Airport Closed Parts
Instrument Approaches Precision – Lateral and Vertical Guidance ILS MLS PAR GPS Non-Precision – Lateral Guidance Only LOC VOR NDB GPS SDF LDA ASR Precision – Lateral and Vertical Guidance ILS MLS PAR GPS Non-Precision – Lateral Guidance Only LOC VOR NDB GPS SDF LDA ASR
ILSILS Instrument Landing System “Crown Jewel” Components Localizer (lateral guidance) Glideslope (vertical guidance) Marker beacons Instrument Landing System “Crown Jewel” Components Localizer (lateral guidance) Glideslope (vertical guidance) Marker beacons
Instrument Approach Charts NACO (Government) Jeppesen NACO (Government) Jeppesen
RegulationsRegulations Currency May not fly IFR or in IMC unless within the past 6 months you have flown: 6 instrument approaches Holding procedures Intercepting and tracking of courses If not met, you have 6 months to become current If 12 months pass, you must pass an Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) Safety Pilot Currency May not fly IFR or in IMC unless within the past 6 months you have flown: 6 instrument approaches Holding procedures Intercepting and tracking of courses If not met, you have 6 months to become current If 12 months pass, you must pass an Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) Safety Pilot
Communications Failure All flights should be planned in anticipation of two-way radio failure Route Assigned Vectored Expected Filed Altitude Assigned Minimum for Flight Expected All flights should be planned in anticipation of two-way radio failure Route Assigned Vectored Expected Filed Altitude Assigned Minimum for Flight Expected