 What are the signs of someone thinking of suicide?  What should you do if you think someone is thinking of ending their life?  What is the difference.


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Presentation transcript:

 What are the signs of someone thinking of suicide?  What should you do if you think someone is thinking of ending their life?  What is the difference between self-esteem and self-concept? Bell-Ringer

{ Expression & Communication How to master the art of “telling it like it is”

 Get in a circle!  I’m going to tell you a story, and every time you hear “right” pass to the right, and every time you hear “left” pass to the left. A Story About the Wrights

 That experience is similar to what we go through as we interact with others.  “Communication is impossible, and we do it every day.”  How could we have made that easier ? Why was that difficult?

 Communication means that information is being transferred from one person to another.  There are 3 parts of communication: the sender, the message, and the receiver.  The sender is the person talking, the receiver is the person listening, and the message is the piece of information being transferred. Communication!

 There are 2 types of communication: Verbal and Non-verbal.  Verbal communication involves speaking and writing.  Non-verbal communication is the messages that are sent based off of appearance or body language. Types of Communication

 Within the first minute of meeting someone you’ve made your first impression.  After 3 minutes that person has formed an opinion of you.  After 7 minutes it’s likely that their the opinion of you will not change.  Once you’ve thought about it like that, what do you think is more important, verbal or non-verbal communication? First Impressions

 “Miscommunication” is the stem of most arguments. (Arguments that can result in the loss of a job, marriage, friendship, family relationship, etc.)  Miscommunication means that one or more parties were confused by the information or interpreted it incorrectly.  Here is an example of miscommunication….. Importance

 This can happen because of culture differences, upbringing, different word meanings, implied meaning, or views of the relationship.  Turn to your partner and tell them a time when you’ve experienced this!

 The tricky part about communicating is not the actual words, but the implied meaning behind it.  Since feelings are involved, any misuse or accident can involve hurt feelings or an issue in a relationship.  Here is some advice for communicating in a conflict. How to Communicate Effectively

 An “I message” is a statement that leads with the word I. That means that you are taking responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings and avoiding putting all the blame on the other person.  Start with what you think or feel, and then follow it up with a factual reason of why that is. Don’t use anything that could be debatable for your reason.  Why do you think this would help in a conflict? “I Messages”

 Let’s try it out! Grab a partner, and take turns changing the statement into an I message rather than a blaming message. Practice

Practice reading the emotion being felt. Expressing emotion

 Sometimes reading others’ emotions is harder than you’d think!  Let’s practice!  With your group, grab a line and an emotion, and read that movie line in the role of that emotion.  Your group will try to guess what emotion you’re portraying!  Everyone should get at least 2 turns!  Keep reading your line until your group guesses correctly. Reading Emotions

 Why is it important to express our emotions and not let them bottle up for a long period of time?  Why is it sometimes difficult to express them? Discuss

 Although sometimes it is scary to show your true feelings, don’t be so afraid that you never allow yourself to feel anything at all. In order to fully experience life, have meaningful relationships and memories, we have to put ourselves out there enough to express ourselves.

 Speaking  Writing  Art  Sports  Exercise  Quality time  Acts of service  Touch (as long as there are boundaries)  Giving gifts  Making things  Music or dance Healthy Ways of Expression

 Next class period will be our review day, and the time after that will be your assessment!  Be ready with you project & study guide completed on the test day. Project Overview

 Tell them something you learned today that you didn’t know before.  Tell them something we talked about today that you already knew.  Give a 2 sentence summary of what our lesson was about today. Turn to your neighbor