The National Health Service and Mental Health in the UK
The Current Structure of NHS (England)
Changes from 1 st April 213 New Structure of the NHS Particular attention to the funding and the significance of the new CCGs. 65bn of NHS funding is now controlled by these geographical groupings and alongside the Health and Wellbeing Boards, they are and will be commissioning new services relating to mental health. Eg. Porchlight’s GP Link Service 51 Mental Health Trusts in England alone providing hospital beds and Community Mental Health Teams. 221 Clinical Commissioning Groups
Services GP Community Mental Health Teams (includes Crisis Resolution, Home Treatment and Assertive Outreach teams) Early Intervention in Psychosis Services Forensic Mental Health Service (prisons, secure hospitals, courts…) Peri-Natal Psychiatric Services Liaison Psychiatry Services (A&E) CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services IAPT (improved access to psychological therapies)
What has this meant for services? Crisis Management (discharge back to the care of GP) Lack of long term care for most (except the most severe. Different levels of services around the country and a huge variety of service providers But more opportunity for the local community and service users to influence the funding of services.