Biological biodiversity Is the term given to the variety of life on Earth and the variety within and between all species of plants, animals and micro-organisms and the ecosystems within which they live and interact.
Loss of biological diversity in the Oceans Some Causes: The destruction of habitats by trawler fishing Pollution and eutrophication of the seas Rapid changes in water temperature, salinity and nutrient concentrations. Habitat destruction The introduction of foreign species.
Loss of biological diversity in the Oceans Consequences The disappearance of a species that provides an important ecosystem structure can alter the environmental conditions and thus also the habitat to the detriment of other species. The further decline of biological diversity, so in the future the ecosystem can no longer perform its function.
Number of extinctions in the recent years Fish
Number of extinctions in the recent years
Number of extinctions in the recent years
Number of extinctions in the recent years
Solutions To reduce the increase of the present nutrients in the soil and the water because of the use of fertilizers To obtain a major coordination between different international agreements that influence the biodiversity of a direct or indirect way To strengthen the work of the institutions that are dedicated to discover and describe the marine biodiversity in all the World
Solutions To implement tools like the ecological marine classifications and the integrated programs of managing coast and seas. To reduce and eliminate: the not sustainable fisheries, the changes in the use of the ground and the invasive species. To achieve the integral conservation of the marine environments, realizing the appropriate analyses to each case.
Bibliography conservacion-biodiversidad.htm conservacion-biodiversidad.htm turaleza/2008/11/20/ php turaleza/2008/11/20/ php latina/biodiversidad/especial/biodiversidad-hechos-y- cifras.html latina/biodiversidad/especial/biodiversidad-hechos-y- cifras.html
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