Protista, Fungi, Bacteria, and Viruses
Protista A protist is any organism that is not a plant, animal or fungus - Eukaryotes (have nucelus) -Unicellular or multicellular -Heterotrophs (obtain food) or autotrophs (make food) -May be categorized into animal-like (movement), plant-like (algae), or fungus-like (water molds)
Protista Some live freely; others on parasites Most live in water EX/ amoeba, paramecium, algae, mold **Algae benneficial- produces oxygen and food for lower organisms on food chain, fertilizers..ect
Kingdom Fungi Eukaryotes (Have nucelus) Unicellular or multicellular, Heterotrophs, autotrophs, saprophytic (break down dead matter) Some are parasitic and obtain nutrients from living hosts **Benneficial- mushrooms as food, penicillin production, eat decaying matter, yeast (beer/bread)
Fungi Structure: Have cell walls that contain chitin Do not undergo photosynthesis Hyphae:Long branching structure of fungi Mycelium: Vegetative part of fungi and reproductive part Mycologist (scientist who study fungi) are said to have only identified 5% of all fungi
Largest living thing in the world? 2400 yrs old and 2200 acres (1665 football fields) in Oregon
Bacteria “germs” Classified into 3 groups based on their shapes- 1.Cocci: Round shaped 2.Bacilli: Rod shaped 3.Spirilli: Spiral shaped Bacteria Structure
Bacteria Respiration: – Obligate anaerobes - cannot survive in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. – Facultative anaerobes - can live with or without atmospheric oxygen. – Obligate aerobes - cannot survive without atmospheric oxygen. *Beneficial uses? -digestion, building up/breaking down organic compounds, wastes, tobacco, immune system
HOW TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF BACTERIA Wash hands Disinfect surfaces Sanitize Store foods at Proper temps
Viruses Surrounded by a protein coat called CAPSID NOT considered living 1/100 th size of bacteria Has only RNA or DNA (not both)
Viruses Reproduces only after infecting a host cell (Can not live independently)Reproduces quickly! Lytic Cycle- Destroys cell by replicating virus Nucleic acids instead of the cells. Then it infects other cells Lysogenic Cycle-DNA integrated into cells reproduction- does not destroy cell.