Diamond update and kappa activities village structure 19 operational beamlines 5 operational MX beamlines one MX beamline (I23) under construction mini kappa devices bought for I04 and I04-1 I23 will have kappa goniometer
I02, I03, I04 MX end-station upgrade programme high precision rotation axis improved sample viewing and faster zoom exchangeable mini-beam apertures improved scatterguard improved sample centring improved beam diagnostics easy beam visualisation crystal annealing camera system for rapid auto loop centring finer attenuation control new backstop design easier change between experiments at cryo or room temperature or a humidity controlled setup
I02, I03, I04 MX end-station upgrade programme crystal humidity control online spectroscopy in-situ diffraction tomography easier remote operation mini kappa New experimental options microfocus option with CRLs mirror refurbishment programme underway (I02, I03, I04) P6M on I03, I24 P2M on I04-1 new end-stations operational with user programme on I03 and I04 I02 currently being upgraded
I04-1 mini kappa use in optimisation phase with friendly users few user visits STAC available as tab in GDA device check at manufacturer preparation for routine operation integration with sample changer software development and pipelines
Data collection strategy, completeness 45 deg sweep 60 deg sweep 90 deg sweep aligned thaumatin crystal c* along spindle, a* along beam different oscillation ranges
Optimised data collection, effect of high kappa angle Elena Kovaleva, Briony Yorke (Leeds) enzyme P , two crystal forms, same problem data completeness depending on overlaps crystal orientation important kappa = 30 deg kappa = 90 deg kappa = 120 deg
Long wavelength beamline I23