Hosted by Smith
Plate Tectonics Volcano/ Earthquake Weathering, erosion, deposition Rock Cycle
Row 1, Col 1 Convergent boundary Plate boundary where 2 plates move together
1,2 S waves Transverse, medium speed seismic waves
1,3 Physical weathering Type of weathering that breaks rock
1,4 Igneous Type of rock formed by lava/ magma cooling
2,1 Rift Valley Valley at the top of a mid-oceanic ridge
2,2 P waves Longitudinal, fast seismic waves
2,3 Oxidation Or Carbonic acid dissolving limestone Name an example of chemical weathering
2,4 Sedimentary Type of rock formed by weathering, erosion, deposition, lithification.
3,1 Many Name one way ocean trenches are different from rift valleys
3,2 Focus is underground, Epicenter is on the surface Explain the difference between the epicenter and the focus.
3,3 Many Give an example of erosion
3,4 Many Give an example of deposition
4,1 Transform Fault Boundary What type of plate boundary is the San Andreas Fault?
4,2 2 Elements: 1.Shield volcano at a hot spot 2. Pacific plate moves over the Hot spot and a new island forms Each time the plate moves. Explain how the Hawaiian Island chain formed
4,3 Convergent Plate boundary where metamorphism usually happens
4,4 Intrusive Type of igneous rock that cools beneath earth’s sufcace.
5,1 Continental drift Volcanoes near convergent Plate boundaries Name 3 pieces of evidence that contribute to the theory of plate tectonics.
5,2 Explain how scientists locate Earth’s outer core.
5,3 Describe how a fossil forms
5,4 Explain one way plate tectonics contributes to the rock cycle.