Monitoring Fact Sheets DIKE TSG1 04. July 2013, Copenhagen Proposal for the use of web-based monitoring “fact sheets” for the purpose of MSFD reporting.


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Presentation transcript:

Monitoring Fact Sheets DIKE TSG1 04. July 2013, Copenhagen Proposal for the use of web-based monitoring “fact sheets” for the purpose of MSFD reporting

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany2 Potential of Monitoring Fact Sheets (MFS)   Monitoring Fact Sheets can be combined in an electronic Online Handbook to provide an efficient, multi-use and decentralized approach for reporting and other purposes   The content of the fact sheets can be made permanently available in different formats (HTML, PDF, etc.)   Monitoring programmes can be updated directly by those responsible for the monitoring   Existing information on monitoring strategies have not to be transferred into the reporting sheets   Continuous availability of up-to-date monitoring programmes in support of the tasks of the EU Commission and the EEA   Direct use of contents of the monitoring programmes in the context of public consultation

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany3 Structure of the Monitoring Fact Sheets   General information (theme, definitions, competent authorities, national working groups)   Monitoring requirements (link to EU legislation and international frameworks, monitoring purposes, spatial coverage)   Monitoring concept (parameters, monitoring network, frequencies, sampling and methods, QC/QA etc.)   Assessment procedures   Quality assurance   Literature   Further work required Programme Level Sub-Programme Level

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany4 Making use of web-based monitoring fact sheets  Identify the reporting information to be covered by the fact sheet approach (XML versus fact sheet database schema).  All “sub-programme-level” information as well as parts of the “programme-level” information (in terms of DIKE DG/2013/02rev) seem appropriate for the fact sheet approach.  Agree on the general structure, the relationship between the elements and the work flow  Agree on how to provide (not to submit) the required information for the EU COM and the EEA

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany5 Art. 11 Rerporting Detail Level Data Collection Data Assembly Assessment descriptive Information and integrated Assessment Data Management Sub- Programme Level Programme Level Monitoring Handbook PROGRAMME - relevant GES descriptors & criteria - relevant features & pressures - relevant human activities - relevant monitoring obligations Coherence RSC Monitoring stations, Parameters, sampling and analytic techniques & Results 1:n DESCRIPTOR - relevant indicators - assessment method - assessment results - relevant programs of measure n:1 1:n SUB-PROGRAMME (Fact Sheets) - relevant indicators & QE - parameters & elements - temporal scope - geographical scope - methodology - frequency & cycle - QA - … General Level General Information Draft Business Process Model for MSFD Art. 11 Data and Information n:m INDICATOR (Fact Sheets) - relevant descriptors - state or impact? - parameters & elements - assessment method - aggregated results (EQR) - consistency - comparability - … Adjustment Reporting Sheets (only) Reporting Sheets or Monitoring Handbookdetailed Data and Information Workflow Time Increase of Detail Aggregation Practical MonitoringAssessment

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany6 Technical Implementation   Simple HTML forms   Connected to a database system (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle,…)   Use of a content management system (CMS) (e.g. Typo3, Cantao, Joomla, …)   This requires a one-off investment in the short-term with gain in time, costs and efficiency in the longer- term.

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany7 Monitoring Handbuch / Monitoring Handbook Reporting XML

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany8 Monitoring Fact Sheets and INSPIRE Marine Data Infrastructure for Germany

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany9 Requirements MSFD Art. 11, 12, 19(3) Annex III, IV INSPIRE Annex I, II, III WFD Art. 8 Annex V Monitoring Handbook with Fact Sheets for each Programme/Sub-programme From Requirements to Work Flow INSPIRE Reporting Sheets (Upload) Reporting Sheets (Upload) Web- Services (ISO/OGC) Implementation of monitoring requirements at national or regional level XML Download XML Download PDF Public (consultation) Research, Politics,… WISE WISE-Marine

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany10 Timelines – after TG meeting 4 July WhatWhenWho DIKE TSG1 04 July EEA Update reporting document By 12 July COM Final comments – written procedure. Basis for prep. of XML schemas By 31 July WG DIKE cc MSCG Draft XML schemas By 20 September COM/Atkins Prepare paper on reporting sheet & draft schemas By 23 September COM Consider paper 7-8 October WG DIKE Workshop to refine “fact sheets approach” October DE+MS volunteers Testing of database/schemas By 31 October MS volunteers Finalized paper on Reporting Sheet 5 November COM Adopt paper on Reporting Sheet Nov. MSCG Finalise database/schemas 31 Dec COM/Atkins

Dr. Hans-Christian Reimers, State Agency for Agriculture and Environment Schleswig-Holstein, Germany11 Thank you for your Attantion!