Standards of Excellence OVERVIEW AND DISCUSSION
What are the Standards of Excellence? These are policies and ethical guidelines to help ensure the highest quality services and safeguard against unethical or ineffective practices. Our membership strives to ensure the highest quality therapeutic and community recreation, as well as other specialized services to exceed the expectations of Our Military Family by agreeing to uphold the following: Created by R4 Founding Members during 2013 Workshop Created from templates governing various accrediting bodies Agreed upon by all members in signing the R4 Membership MOU
Standards Review 1. Members collaborate on intervention techniques and program implementation within R4 Alliance membership to help improve our collective services. 2. Members endeavor to participate in collaborative research efforts and peer educational opportunities. 3. Members participate in standardized evaluations to drive continual change and improvement across R4 Alliance membership. 4. Members treat Our Military Family in an ethical manner not only by respecting their decisions and protecting them from harm but also by actively making efforts to secure their well-being. 5. Members preserve and protect the right of each individual within Our Military Family to make his/her own choices concerning care and opportunities. 6. Members conduct program assessments to collect necessary information from each participant to ensure their individual needs are met and quality services are provided. 7. Members share program objectives to address targeted benefits and provide evidence based intervention strategies.
Standards Review Cont. 8. Members implement evidence based interventions through recreation services intended to rehabilitate and reintegrate Our Military Family, and strive to provide a continuum of care. 9. Members ensure that individuals receive service without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, disease, social and/or financial status. 10. Members are responsible for providing each individual receiving recreational services with information regarding the service and the members training and credentials. 11. Members are responsible for safeguarding information about individuals served. 12. Members must be respectful of Our Military Family’s right to choose regarding participation in any fundraising and/or media promotions. Cooperation in these activities has no bearing on the participants’ eligibility. 13. Members will promote a healthy life style for Our Military Family and refrain from providing substances that may be detrimental to health.
Discussion – Standards of Excellence Do you (our members) feel there are improvements that need to be made? Do you feel these standards reflect what it is to be a Program of Excellence? Do you feel there are any additions or omissions that need to be made?