17 February 2016 Nebraska K-12 Fine Arts Standards/Resources ESU 4 Music Cadre ESU 4 (Historic Hon. Church Howe Residence) Auburn, NE 17 February 2016 Debra Wehrmann DeFrain Director of Fine Arts
When thinking of resources… Nebraska Fine Arts Standards National Fine Arts Standards Rule 10? Implementation ideas Classroom Resources Advocacy Tools AQuESTT Connections MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY
Why Fine Arts Standards? 21 st Century Citizens On-going research Why Fine Arts Standards? 21 st Century Citizens ards_21stCenturySkills.pdf On-going research ards_21stCenturySkills.pdf Best Practice Best Practice nccas.wikispaces.com/Child+Development+Research nccas.wikispaces.com/Child+Development+Research Relevant Skills/Knowledge Relevant Skills/Knowledge EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY
Impact on Students and Learning Students before content Guidance (also in Spanish & Chinese) Impact on Students and Learning Students before content /Facts_for_Families/Home.aspx Guidance (also in Spanish & Chinese) /Facts_for_Families/Home.aspx Curriculum Design Assessment Curriculum Design Assessment to/supporting-individual-needs/portfolios-assessment- through-the-arts.aspx to/supporting-individual-needs/portfolios-assessment- through-the-arts.aspx EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY
MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE Nebraska Media Arts Visual Arts Dance Music Theatre Horizontal Views ~ Vertical Views Glossaries ~ Free Resources National Dance Media Arts Music Theatre Visual Arts Includes updates. Interactive/personalize.
MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE What Changes Will I See in My School? Increased… Attendance rates Achievement test scores Extra-curricular activity Civic engagement Graduation rate College-bound graduates School-college-career success Creative problem-solving Cultural sensitivity EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY
Longitudinal Studies NELS:88 ECLS-K ELS: NLSY97
Attendance MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE Year 1 - Before arts education 86% attendance (14% absentee rate) Year 2 - After first year of arts education (dance, drama/theatre, visual art, music) 97% attendance (3% absentee rate) The only change between the two years was the addition of arts education in the curriculum. Source: Doing Well and Doing Good by Doing Art, James S. Catterall, 2009, using data from NELS:88
Achievement Test Scores
Extracurricular Activity
Civic Engagement
Graduation Rates
College-Bound Graduates
School to College to Career
Creative Problem-Solving MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE Throughout all disciplines and grade bands, the research found a continued, pronounced emphasis on the value of the arts in helping students to make sense of their world, make connections between disparate ideas, and make connections between the self and others. SOURCE: The College Board, Child Development and Arts Education: A Review of Recent Research and Best Practices, New York, N.Y., January 2012.
Cultural Sensitivity
The Six Tenets of AQuESTT
Positive Partnerships, Relationships, and Student Success The State Board believes that student engagement through positive partnerships and relationships are fundamental to successful schools and districts. The State Board seeks to support schools and districts to implement best practices in student, family and community engagement to enhance educational experiences and opportunities. Areas of Focus Individualized or Personalized Learning Plans Attendance and Participation Family Engagement Community/Support Services
Educational Opportunities and Access The State Board believes that all students should have access to comprehensive instructional opportunities to be prepared for postsecondary education and career goals. Areas of Focus Early Childhood Comprehensive Learning Opportunities Expanded Learning Opportunities Blended Learning and Opportunities for credit-bearing distance/virtual content
…I’m with the government and I’m here to help... Questions? Debra Wehrmann DeFrain, M.Ed. Director of Fine Arts
Possibilities… Possibilities… for TEACHERS only Please refresh your browser each visit to NDE Fine Arts web site so you see UPDATED info… Sign up for weekly s re: teaching jobs Federal loan forgiveness $$$ for grad degree Master’s (online AND hybrid) Boxley Scholarship-FREE RIDE for a Master’s degree. Check updated info listing later each year for current info.
Possibilities…MEDIA ARTS Easy paint tool. 3D. Online programming. Tutorials. Story board, 2D/3D, special effects. Industry standard video editing/post. Filmmaking resource. Shot breakdowns. Animation, movies, games, comics, illustration. Tutorials by industry folk. Young, female comic artist. Amazing resources. Somewhat dated (word/text), but great resource
Possibilities…VISUAL ARTS between
Possibilities…DANCE nmeanebraska.org folkways.si.edu/tools_for_teaching/resources.aspx
Possibilities…MUSIC nmeanebraska.org folkways.si.edu/tools_for_teaching/resources.aspx
Possibilities…THEATRE folkways.si.edu/tools_for_teaching/resources.aspx
Possibilities…THEATRE Possibilities… more THEATRE panies.html#nebraska
Possibilities… TOOLS Possibilities…ADVOCACY TOOLS Nebraskans for the Arts Nebraska Arts Council National Art Education Association National Association for Music Education I know it is NOT art, but the concepts are very relevant and cross over so much.
Possibilities… Possibilities…ESU 4 neck-of-the-woods! More to come…