Valid ◦ Legally good Void ◦ No legal force Voidable ◦ Not void, but may be voided by one party Unenforceable ◦ Some rule of law can not be enforced by the court.
Express ◦ Stated in words ◦ Written or spoken Implied ◦ Based on actions (not words)
Bilateral ◦ Contains two promises Unilateral ◦ Contains one promise
Oral ◦ Spoken words Written ◦ Write out exact terms
Complete ◦ All terms have been carried out properly and completely. Time ◦ Court will honor time request, if it is deemed “of the essence.” ◦ If not mentioned in contract, then a reasonable time will be assumed.
Satisfactory ◦ Law requires that services be completed in a satisfactory manner. ◦ Reasonable person test Would a reasonable consider the work to done in satisfactory manner? Substantial ◦ Slightly less than full performance Must meet the following rules: Acted in Good Faith Completed Major Components of Contract Only Minor Details Incomplete.
Tender of Performance ◦ Tender – Offer to Perform ◦ Must make tender even if you know the other party will not perform their part of the contact.
Mutual Release ◦ Each side releases the other side from the contract. Accord and Satisfaction ◦ Substitute one contract for another.
Death or Illness in a Personal Service Contract ◦ Only allowed in Personal service contracts. ◦ What is personal service? Photographer Artist ◦ Any other contract must be completed.
Destruction of the Exact Subject Matter ◦ If the subject matter is essential to the contract then it will be discharged. Illegality ◦ Any illegal contract is void.
Wrongful Alteration ◦ Any altering or changing of a contract will discharge parties to the agreement. Statute of Limitations ◦ Individual states have a time limit on lawsuits to be filed. ◦ What is the only crime/tort that doesn’t have a time limit? Murder
Bankruptcy ◦ Debtors can be discharged from contracts after filing for bankruptcy.
Legally transferring your RIGHTS in a contract. ◦ Assignor – party who transfers the right. ◦ Assignee – party to whom the right is transferred. No consideration needed. Must not change the obligations in the contract. Must be a RIGHT not a DUTY. Assignor is responsible for contract fulfillment.
Transfer a duty. Delegating party is still responsible for the contract being fulfilled. Contracts that CANNOT be delegated: ◦ Promise to perform service personally. ◦ Exercise of personal skill or judgment. ◦ Contract prohibiting delegation.
Replacing a party to a contract with a new one. The other terms to the contract remain the same.
Privity of Contract ◦ Determines who can sue who over a breach of contract. Third-Party Beneficiary ◦ A person who is not a party to a contract but benefits from it. ◦ Has the right to sue over breach of contract.
Wrongful failure to perform one or more promises in a contract. Anticipatory Breach ◦ Notified that a party to the contract will not fulfill their part of the contract prior to the required time of fulfillment. ◦ Lawsuit may be filed early in this case. Exception to the rules: Refusal to pay money owed at a future date.
Acceptance of Breach ◦ Accept the breach of contract and discharge the other party without asking for damages. Why? Must show damages in order to win monetary damages. Not worth the party’s time to file lawsuit.
Money Damages ◦ Actual – Damages DIRECTLY related to breach. ◦ Compensatory – Award only for injuries suffered nothing more. ◦ Consequential – Damages that DO NOT flow directly from breach. ◦ Incidental – Reasonable expenses that INDIRECTLY from breach of contract. ◦ Liquidated – Anticipated damages agreed prior to contract being signed. ◦ Nominal – Award to proved legal injury but no actual damages caused. ◦ Punitive – Damages in excess of losses suffered in order to punish party for breach. ◦ Speculative – Damages awarded not on fact but on expectations from contract fulfillment.
Specific Damages ◦ Ask court to order the other party to do what they agreed to do. ◦ Subject matter must be unique in nature. ◦ Which of the following is unique? Real Estate Stocks of General Electric ’65 Ford Mustang with 44,000 miles A brand new Ford F-150 Dozen Eggs Answers: Real Estate and Mustang are unique.
Court order that prevents a party from performing an act. Temporary or Permanent. Violators are in contempt of court.
Injured party must try to reduce the damages by all means possible (mitigation of damages). What could you do to mitigate damages if a tenant breaks the lease and moves out early? Possible answers: Advertise for rent sign in yard, put sign up at local university, and place an advertisement in the local newspaper.