Emperor Penguins By Jodi Lee Conrad
This book is dedicated to my friend Pawal who loves to read about penguins and to my friend Peyton who writes a very interesting and engaging series book about two penguin friends, Flip and Flop. Thank you both for inspiring me to learn more about penguins and to write this book. Your enthusiasm for this amazing bird that cannot fly is contagious!
Table of Contents Page 1Introduction Page 2Physical Characteristics Page 3Adaptations Page 4Habitat Page 5Prey Page 6Predators Page 7Interesting Facts
1. You may think all birds with feathers fly, but think again. Penguins are birds and they do have feathers but guess what? They can not fly! Come along with me on an exciting adventure into the polar regions of Antarctica, where we will learn all about the graceful emperor penguin. Did You Know … A female emperor penguin lays one egg at a time? Introduction
2. Emperor penguins grow to be about three feet tall, that’s as tall as the average three year old child. You might recognize the emperor penguin by its yellow patch of feathers on its neck. These amazing birds have black flippers, a black head, and white stomachs. They have a beak and as all birds, they are covered in feathers. Physical Characteristics Did You Know … Emperor penguins are the tallest of all penguins?
3. Penguin bodies have strong flippers and webbed feet for swimming rapidly through the icy waters surrounding the polar regions. You won’t spot this little bird flying through the waters, its black back acts as camouflage to keep this arctic bird from being discovered by predators. To survive in the frigid conditions of Antarctica, emperor penguins have a think layer of blubber. Blubber is fat under their skin that keeps them warm. Their fluffy layer of feathers protect emperor penguins from these dangerously cold elements by keeping them warm and dry. Emperor penguins also huddle together on the ice in a large circle to keep warm. Talk about a group effort! Adaptations
4. Emperor penguins live in Antarctica where the temperatures stay below freezing all year long. It is cold and icy in the polar regions. The emperor penguins are surrounded by ice and snow. Antarctica is surrounded by oceans and seas. This is where emperor penguins find their food to survive. Habitat Did You Know … Emperor penguins huddle together to keep warm on the ice and snow?
5. Penguins use their strong flippers, feet, and tails to dive into the icy polar waters to catch their prey. Penguins are carnivores which means they are meat eaters. Penguins eat fish, krill, and squid. They can stay underwater for nearly 20 minutes chasing and catching their prey. Penguins catch their prey in their sharp beaks and swallow it whole underwater. Prey
6. The leopard seal is a penguins worst nightmare. These ferocious seals lurk in the icy ocean waters near penguin rookeries just waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting penguin hunting for food. Killer whales also hunt penguins in the cold waters of the south pole. Predators Did You Know … A leopard seal can eat 5 penguins in one day?
7. Emperor penguins lay their eggs and raise their chicks on shore. After the mother emperor penguin lays her egg, she hands it over to the father penguin to take care of it until it hatches. After the mother penguin hands off the egg to the father, she leaves for the sea to find food. The egg cannot touch the ground. The ground is so cold, if the egg touches the ground the penguin will die. The father penguin is responsible for keeping the egg safe and warm until it hatches. Interesting Facts
About The Author Jodi Lee Conrad teaches first grade at Lincoln School in Glen Ellyn, IL. She lives with her daughter Alex, her husband Mr. Ballor, and her very cute and furry cat Mr. Oliver Fancy Pants. She enjoys writing books for her first grade friends and reading all the amazing book her friends write. She thinks all her first grade friends are very talented writers and authors and can’t wait to see what wonderful books they create next!
Penguins in Action Diving in the ocean deep Slipping and sliding on the ice and snow Waddling Laying eggs Swimming under water Snatching up fish