Suicide and The Warning Signs Clay-El Powell Period 1
What’s this section about? This section is about suicide and its warning signs. It explains what symptoms you should look for if someone is inclined to committing suicide. Suicide affects all kinds of people. It is one of the leading causes of death among teenagers.
Main Idea The first step to helping a suicidal person is to recognize the problem as early as possible.
What are some details or examples? Since 1950 the suicide rate has quadrupled among young people among the ages of 15 and 19. Depression and radical changes in personality are signs to look for in potential suicide victim You can identify depression if someone has a loss of energy, changes in sleep patterns, and
Why is this important for the class to know? other deviations from normal activities -this is important for young adults to know so they can be able to identify the signs of a potentially suicidal person, and try to help prevent it.
What are other examples? - a person could display suicidal plans by saying comments like, “I don't want to live anymore”. -some signs can be deceptive -if some one was severely depressed and all of a sudden happy, you may think the issue has passed. -but this may be because they have decided to take their life and are happy with choice they made
Example Luis who is usually full of energy and outgoing has just lost his brother in a car accident. His friend has noticed Luis is nit himself and that he has stopped coming to school. Luis’ friend is concerned because he notice in enormous change in his behavior.
MT THOUGHTS/KEY POINTS I think this is sad that people would think their life is so terrible that would have to kill themselves, when they haven't even experienced the rest of their life to know. KEY POINTS -suicide is common among young people -if you notice an immense change in behavior or depression you should be concerned if someone is suicidal.
SUMMARY This section is about being able to identify the signs of a suicidal person. The problem should be found as soon as possible. Depression and huge changes in personality are signs you should look for in a suicidal person. Small negative comments about death and dying should be taken seriously. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among teens and can affect all types of people.