CARTAYA Cartaya is located in the province of Huelva (Andalucia), with a population of about people, including a great number of immigrants who come here to work on strawberry, orange and other farming. Situated near the coast in a natural and almost wild space, Cartaya divides activities between agriculture, fishing and tourism.
CEIP CONCEPCIÓN ARENAL Its name is due to Concepción Arenal, a feminist who had to dress up as a man to go to the University where she became a lawyer. For her education of women was fundamental and she fought for it until her death.
THE SCHOOL: a school of the Republic This year we commemorate the 80th anniversary ( ) and it still preserves structure and spirit.
A bilingual school Since 2005 the school belongs to the Plurinlingual Net of Andalucia, being a bilingual school with English as a second language and provided with the teachers we need to go on with the project. Hi from Cartaya!!
Our students 280 students, 9 nationalities meaning a great diversity and the nicest opportunity to share culture, experiences, different ways of living, thinking,…
Human and material resources Language assistants, courses, computers, e-boards,…
SPACES 12 classrooms Staff room Music room Library Lunchroom No gym, but a large playground to play and practise sport
THE TEAM 17 Teachers always in the school 3 Teachers shared with other schools A schoolkeeper An administrative assistant A cook and an assistant ALL OF US LOOKING FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU!!