Cordoba became the capital of El- Andalus After becoming capital of the Moorish kingdom they started building Mezquita It is the largest mosque of all Islam It was reconquered by Christians Christians built a cathedral inside the mosque Mezquita : the Mosque- Chapel
THE DIOCESAN MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS Collections of paintings, portraits, prints, and statues Many works from local Cordovan artists Includes many Psalm books and cathedral tapestries Museum is inside the 15 th century building: Episcopal Palace
Garden Of Alcazar Mosaics hall Moorish architecture Royal baths in the basement Has a monument, towers and a garden area There are the Lion, Inquisition, Keep and Dove towers Alcazar area built on where the Episcopal Palace stands 55 square meters of gardens outside of the monument 16 th Century frescos line the walls
Brief History of Cordoba Founded in ancient roman times as Corduba by Claudius Marcellas Conquered by the Moors in 711 Was the largest city and held the most developed bureaucracy in all of Europe during the time of Islamic rule Recovered from Moslem invaders by Christian forces as part of the Reconquista in 1236, and became a great area of activity against the remaining Islamic population Some surviving Renaissance monuments include the Palacio de Viana Palacio de Viana
The Festival de Córdoba-Guitarra Brings in Spanish and interational guitar players Even local residents of Cordoba participate Every July for two weeks Guitar is very important to Cordoba, more than other cities in Andalucia They believe that any emotion can be displayed by guitar. Jazz, classical, pop, rock, and flamenco music is played
Visit Cordoba!