THE LIFE AND BUSINESS OF: P.T. Barnum Josh SteelClay McMellon
BIRTH & DEATH On the 5th of July 1810, Phineas Taylor, later to be known as P.T., was born in Bethel, Connecticut April 7 th the long sickness of P. T. Barnum came to an end by his quietly passing away at Marina, his residence in this city.
CHILDHOOD Barnum found farm life-style was not favorable to him. He found invention in traditional work By the age of twelve owned a sheep and a calf, sold cherry-rum to soldiers, and was hired to help herd a cattle drive to Brooklyn, New York.
EDUCATION The life of the Barnum family was humble. Despite lean family resources, P.T. Barnum began school by the age of six. As he progressed in years, he exhibited great aptitude for mathematics, and used "head-work" as his method for escaping egregious farming chores.
PROFESSIONAL LIFE paid $1,000 slave named Joice Heth, who was 161 years old and a former nurse for George Washington. Barnum bought Scudder's American Museum in lower Manhattan Barnum made "the Swedish Nightingale" an offer of $1,000 per performance for 150 shows in the United States and Canada, a tour which earned him a profit of more than $500,000
BUSINESSES He went bankrupt after attempting to lure the doomed Jerome Clock Company to Bridgeport. Served two terms in the Connecticut Legislature and one term as mayor of Bridgeport.
INTERESTING FACTS his grandfather deeded him a parcel of land known as lvy Island. When he was 10 years old, he went to visit his estate and discovered it to be “a worthless piece of barren land.” When he heard Scudder’s American Museum was for sale, Barnum determined to buy it. He mortgaged himself to the building’s owner, proposing for collateral good references, a determination to succeed, and a “valuable and sentimental” piece of property known as Ivy Island.
QUOTES Clowns are the pegs on which the circus is hung. Money is some respects life’s fire: it is a very excellent servant, but a terrible master. Nine out of ten of the rich men of our country today, started out in life as poor boys, with determined wills, industry, perseverance, economy and good habits.