The Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure Presented by Prashant Shukle Director General Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure 2 The CGDI is an online network of resources that improves the sharing, use and integration of information tied to geographic locations in Canada. In essence, via collaboration, the CGDI is the convergence of policies, standards, technologies, and framework/core data necessary to harmonize all of Canada’s location-based information. Through the CGDI, Canadians can discover, access, visualize, integrate, apply and share quality location-based information. The CGDI allows citizens to gain new perspectives into social, economic, and environmental issues and make evidence-based decisions. The CGDI is made up of several key elements that together coordinate geospatial data at the national level and links to the international context. 3
CGDI Guiding Principles Openness Accessibility Evolution Timeliness Sustainability Self-organization User and community driven Closest to source Trustworthiness 4 4
Where? matters as much as the Who? What? Why? and How? Where can we find more resources? Whose property is it? Which communities, species and habitats will be affected and how? Which areas are at risk of flooding? What’s the fastest transportation route for first responders? How large is the ore body? What’s the best site for locating solar panel arrays? How are our forests changing? How fast is sea ice melting? What area is affected by the power outage? Where are the best locations to deploy vaccinations? Which populations are most at risk? Have Aboriginal communities been consulted? Where are the most promising markets? Are there health and safety issues for field workers at this site? What changes are occurring? We have the opportunity to deploy GEO as a strategic asset in a variety of regions and areas of the economy; in economic and non-economic, open and non-open contexts
We have the right infrastructure for changing government role to provide core geospatial data that the public can trust. As we look ahead, we need to ensure that … … we coordinate and bridge the gaps between all sources of data.
We have good governance both internally and externally; provinces and territories, other government departments, academia, international engagement … to implement the principle of ‘buy once, share/use many times.’ We do not work in silos …
We balance public good and commercialization … We recognize the role of industry and ensure we have trained leaders and experts, in respect of stakeholders and customer needs … to maximize innovation
To have a CGDI that is flexible and adaptable We are looking at technology advances … … as our current ability to create data is greater than our ability to solve complex problems with data. Add a picture here of Dr Lian’s work?
Standards-based, secured, supported by policies, strategies and legal framework that address access rights and privacy concerns. We have a CGDI that is coherent and seamless across Canada …. … and that has a significant impact on Canada’s GDP.
Have a CGDI that has its place globally. … as we are not alone