Immigration: When people move from one country to another When people move from one country to another Between 1866 & 1915, more than 25 million immigrants moved to the U.S. Why were they coming to the US??????
Push Factors Conditions that drive people to leave their homes.
Push Factors 1. Scarce Land 2. Farm jobs lost to new machines 3. Revolution 4. Poverty and hard lives 5. Political and religious persecution. Persecution – To annoy or harass someone. Persecution – To annoy or harass someone.
Pogroms Major push factor for Russian Jews. Russian Government supported “pogroms”, or organized attacks on Jewish villages.
Pull Factors Conditions that attract immigrants to a new area.
Push Factors 1. Promise of freedom and better life. 1. Promise of freedom and better life. 2. Family or friends already settled in the U.S. 2. Family or friends already settled in the U.S. 3. Factory jobs available. 3. Factory jobs available.
Ellis Island After 1892, immigrants came here for a medical inspection Located in New York Doctors examined immigrants Some had their names changed b/c the officials found them to hard to pronounce
Angel Island Located on the West Coast- San Francisco Bay Mainly immigrants from China & Japan Faced long delays