Ellis Island & Immigration
Ellis Island – Great Hall
Inspection Card
Fingerprinting for Alien Registration
Learning English At School
Child Labor Cutting Lettuce
Sweepers & Mule Room Boys
Shrimp Picker
Polish Children Picking Berries
Boy Working as a Spinner in Textile Factory
Spinner in a Textile Factory
Field Labor
Oyster Shuckers
Boy at Glass Works
At Work & Home
Fishermen Bailing boats
Irish Clam Diggers
Italian Bread Peddlers, ca. 1900
Field Workers
Picking Carrots
Husking Corn
At Home in a Tenement
Family Making Pants
Jewish Family Making Garters
Jewish Farmers
Naturalization & Citizenship Alien Registration Receipt Card
Application for Citizenship, 1892
Naturalization Class, 1921
Taking Oath of Allegiance
Taking Oath of Allegiance (Large Group)
Naturalization Document, 1926
Immigration Literature Circle Book Selections
Pick & Shovel Poet: the Journeys of Pascal D'Angelo
Journey to Ellis Island: How My Father Came to America
Ashes of Roses
Beyond The Western Sea: Book One: The Escape From Home
Beyond the Western Sea: Book Two: Lord Kirkle's Money
A Coal Miner's Bride: the Diary of Anetka Kaminska
The Journal of Finn Reardon, a Newsie
A Different Kind of Hero
The Journal of Otto Peltonen: a Finnish Immigrant
The Journal of Sean Sullivan: a Transcontinental Railroad Worker
How I Became an American
The Grave
Hear my Sorrow: the Diary of Angela Denoto, a Shirtwaist Worker
Dreams in the Golden Country: the diary of Zipporah Feldman, a Jewish Immigrant Girl
Hope in My Heart
West to a Land of Plenty: the Diary of Teresa Angelino Viscardi
Land of Hope
Land of Dreams
Land of Promise
My Name is San Ho
Blue Jasmine
The Star Fisher
Mountain Light
The Journal of Wong Ming- Chung: a Chinese Miner