SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 t We will start in 5 minutes. t Please dial in by following the instructions (to see those instructions again select Dial-


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Presentation transcript:

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 t We will start in 5 minutes. t Please dial in by following the instructions (to see those instructions again select Dial- In Instructions from the Audio/Video Menu)

Technical Details t To best view the presentation, Click the Whiteboard (or full Screen) Icon: t During the presentation you may also use the scrolling bars to view content that is hidden

Technical Details t Telephones will be muted during the presentation t We will have Question and Answer segments throughout the presentation, and at the conclusion of the presentation. t To Ask a question during the Q&A, select Raise Hand in the Emoticon Menu. t You can also ask a question or make a comment by clicking send a note icon

Senior Service America, Inc. SCSEP Recertification PY 2015 February 2, 2016

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 Today’s Presenters: t t Constance Todd, Program Officer t t Nekeisia Booyer, Program Officer t t Joshua Wadsworth, Program Officer

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 Today’s Agenda t Updates for PY 2015 t Getting Ready and Planning t Documentation Requirements t Frequently Asked Recertification Questions t Eligibility Determination Tool/Income Worksheet t SPARQ t Questions and Answers

Annual recertification of SCSEP eligibility is a federal requirement Annual recertification of SCSEP eligibility is a federal requirement All SSAI participants will be recertified during March 2016, including any participants who were enrolled in February 2016 All SSAI participants will be recertified during March 2016, including any participants who were enrolled in February 2016 You do not have to recertify participants who have Open or Active Workers Comp claim You do not have to recertify participants who have Open or Active Workers Comp claim Income and family size are the only eligibility criteria reviewed during recertification however… Income and family size are the only eligibility criteria reviewed during recertification however… SSAI Recertification for PY 2015

Updates for PY 2015: t Update the Most In Need Characteristics for Participants, to get credit for this Program Year 1) 1) Severe disability 2) 2) Frail 3) 3) 75 years of age or older 4) 4) Low literacy skills 5) 5) Old enough to receive, but not receiving Title II Social Security 6) 6) Severely limited employment prospects in areas with persistent unemployment 7) 7) Limited English proficiency t To ensure you get full credit for MIN Performance annually, each July you will have to update MIN Characteristics for all participants.

Updates for PY 2015 t Correct the MIN for Participants enrolled in PY Are veterans or qualified spouses of veterans Have a disability; Live in a rural area; Have low employment prospects; Have failed to find employment through WIA Title I Are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless t For Participants enrolled in PY15 MIN can be corrected, if documented at the time of enrollment

Updates for PY 2015 Example: A participant was enrolled in November 2015, and provided documentation of SSDI income at the time of enrollment. The project did not record any MIN on the participant form or in SPARQ. SSDI is verification of Disability SSDI is verification of Disability Disability is an indicator of Low Employment Prospects Disability is an indicator of Low Employment Prospects Disability and Low Employment Prospects can be corrected based on the SSDI documentation obtained at enrollment

Updates for PY 2015 t Annual update of the Federal Poverty Guidelines was published in the Federal Register on January 25 th. t SSAI will be issuing a revised Income Eligibility Chart (PP203)

Updates for PY 2015 Revision to PPM 204-G #5 Old Language: t t Veterans’ Payments: Do not count payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs for education and on- the-job training and means-tested assistance.

Updates for PY 2015 Revision to PPM 204-G #5 New Language: t t Payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs: Do not count payments made to or on behalf of veterans or former members of the Armed Forces administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), including Veterans Compensation, Veterans Pension, and payments for education and on-the-job training. Military Retirement payments administered by the Department of Defense Defense Finance and Accounting Service is includable income (see 204 F, #5 above).

Updates for PY 2015 SCSEP Release Form: t SCSEP Release Form should be completed for each participant during recertification. t Projects have reported having difficulty getting participants to report employment information after exit. t Updating the form reminds participants of the requirement and Authorizes project staff to reach out directly to the employer for verification.

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 Getting Ready and Planning: t Recertification Instructions t Recertification Checklist and Readiness Calendar t Recertification Notice for Participants t Recert Income Worksheet t Termination Notice – Ineligible t Termination Notice – No Show

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 t t Identify staff that will help you t t Train staff to assist – (reminder participant staff cannot make final eligibility on another participant) t t Access to Tools/SPARQ?

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 t Identify and Secure your location(s) for the recertification meeting(s) t Prepare Recertification Memo (template provided) for each participant eligible for recertification (make no assumptions and be clear they need to bring up to date documents) t The SSAI Eligibility Determination Tool will be available for practice through Feb. 29 th

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 t Copy enough forms for use: Recertification -Income Worksheets (for use remotely); Offer of Physical Examination; Family Size Form; Case Management Note Form; Self Attestation Forms and Assessments or IEPS as needed Refer to the PY2015 Recertification Checklist and Readiness Calendar for a complete list Refer to the PY2015 Recertification Checklist and Readiness Calendar for a complete list

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 t Prepare for notifying those participants who may be over income; and or those who fail to show for recertification interviews t Develop a system for Quality Assurance t Develop a plan to enter all data in the SSAI Eligibility Determination Tool & SPARQ by March 31, 2016

Your plan should also consider: Program activities continue Program activities continue Continue to update the Pay by Pay/PPP and CIPs Continue to update the Pay by Pay/PPP and CIPs Keep up with SPARQ Data Entry Keep up with SPARQ Data Entry Prepare for April SPARQ Data Entry deadlines Prepare for April SPARQ Data Entry deadlines SSAI Recertification for PY 2015

Documentation Requirements – requires all source documentation (what you reviewed and what you copied) t Income Worksheet showing the math. (Reminder the look back period is 12 months or 6 months {annualized [x2]} prior to the date of recertification ) t Family Size Documentation t Letter of 30 day Termination Notice continued

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 Documentation Requirements – continued t Record of Offer of Physical Examination t SCSEP Self/Third Party Attestation Form t MIN Update Forms t Applicable Case Notes t SCSEP Release Form All of above must past Data Validation Rules

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 Update and Correct Most-In-Need Characteristics – Forms are available on the SSAI Partners Page: MIN Re-Validation Form (updated 2/14) MIN Re-Validation Form (updated 2/14) SSAI Limited English Proficiency self-attest (English, Spanish) SSAI Limited English Proficiency self-attest (English, Spanish) SSAI Limited English Proficiency third party-attest SSAI Limited English Proficiency third party-attest SSAI low literacy self-attest SSAI low literacy self-attest SSAI low literacy skills third-party attest SSAI low literacy skills third-party attest SSAI Severely limited employment prospects in an area of persistent unemployment self-attest (English, Chinese and Spanish) SSAI Severely limited employment prospects in an area of persistent unemployment self-attest (English, Chinese and Spanish) SSAI Certification of Severe Disability Form SSAI Certification of Severe Disability Form SSAI Low Employment Prospects self-attest SSAI Low Employment Prospects self-attest

Case Notes: must consist of the case worker’s own documentation of his or her activities. Case notes can be based on information obtained in person or by telephone SSAI Recertification for PY 2015

Case notes MUST include 3 foundation elements: 1. Name of person who is the source of the information, his or hers phone #, their organization and title or relationship to participant (this is not the participant) 2. Name or initials of the person making the note 3. Date on which the information was obtained, and the date on which it was recorded, if different SSAI Recertification for PY 2015

SPARQ and SSAI Tool Reminders: t Results from the Eligibility Tool will be Entered in SPARQ t MIN updates or corrections will be entered directly in SPARQ

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 Reconcile the active participants in SPARQ and SSAI Tools: t All Active Participants must be in both SPARQ and SSAI Tools in order to complete recertification. t Complete Participant and Exit forms and enter in SPARQ t Contact the Front End Support Team if you need assistance.


SSDI & Full Retirement Age Q: For participants who receive SSDI, should this cash benefit be counted when they turn 65? A: No. SSDI benefits convert to Retirement Benefits the month the participant reaches Full Retirement Age. SSDI benefits convert to Retirement Benefits the month the participant reaches Full Retirement Age. Full Retirement Age is no longer 65. Full Retirement Age is no longer 65.

Full Retirement Age 1937 or earlier and 2 months and 4 months and 6 months and 8 months and 10 months and 2 months and 4 months and 6 months and 8 months and 10 months 1960 and later67 *If you were born on January 1st of any year you should refer to the previous year. (If you were born on the 1st of the month, we figure your benefit (and your full retirement age) as if your birthday was in the previous month.) SSDI & Full Retirement Age

Look Back Period Q: If we recertify someone March 15 and they will receive their S.S. check on March 27. How do we enter it on your website worksheet? Do we put $0 for March? Would This Person only have 5 months of Social Security if using the 6 month annualized method? A: No; Remember that you must look back 6 or 12 months from the date you are completing the enrollment or recertification. The look back months are not the same as Calendar Months, and will nearly always overlap into 2 Calendar Months

Look Back Period MonthDatesIncome to be included: 1 March 15 th, 2016-February 16 th, 2016 All income received between 03/15/16 and 02/16/16 2Feb. 15 th, 2016 – Jan. 16 th, 2016 All income received between 02/15/16 and 01/16/16 3Jan. 15 th, 2016 – Dec. 16 th, 2015 All income received between 01/15/16 and 12/16/15 4 Dec. 15 th, 2015 – Nov. 16 th, 2015 All income received between 12/15/15 and 11/16/15 5 Nov. 15 th, 2015 – Oct. 16 th, 2015 All income received between 11/15/15 and 10/16/15 6Oct. 16 th, 2015 – Sept. 16 th, 2015 All income received between 10/15/15 and 09/16/15 When completing an eligibility determination conducted on March 15 th, 2016, the income worksheet should be completed as follows:

Look Back Period MonthDatesIncome to be included: 1 March 15 th, 2016-February 16 th, 2016 Pension: 03/01/16, SS 02/27/16 2 Feb. 15 th, 2016 – Jan. 16 th, 2016 Pension: 02/01/16, SS 01/27/16 3 Jan. 15 th, 2016 – Dec. 16 th, 2015 Pension: 01/01/16, SS 12/27/15 4 Dec. 15 th, 2015 – Nov. 16 th, 2015 Pension: 12/01/15, SS 11/27/15 5 Nov. 15 th, 2015 – Oct. 16 th, 2015 Pension: 11/01/15, SS 10/27/15 6 Oct. 15 th, 2015 – Sept. 16 th, 2015 Pension: 10/01/15, SS 09/27/15 Example: A Participant is being recertified on March 15 th, The participant is a family of one, and has two sources of includable income. The participant receives a Social Security Retirement benefit, which they receive on the 27 th of each month, and a pension which they receive on the 1 st of each month. The 6 month look back period for this participant would include:

Social Security COLA Q: Was there a Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2016? t t A: No, there was not a COLA for t t Project Directors are required to verify the monthly cash benefit amounts for 2015 and 2016 for Social Security Retirement beneficiaries. t t More information about Social Security COLA’s can be found at

Payments to Veterans Q: How do I determine if the benefits received by a Veteran are countable income? A: t All payments made by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are excluded t All Payments Made by the Department of Defense/Defense Finance and Acounting service are included

Let’s Take Some Questions/Comments Raise Your Hand to Confer by Phone or Send Us a Note

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 Eligibility Determination Tool: t Serves as both Calculator and Recert Documentation Improves accuracy of calculations Improves accuracy of calculations Improves Data Validation results Improves Data Validation results t SSAI Eligibility Tool will continue to be required for recertification

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 t Projects have the option of entering the recertification information directly into the Eligibility Determination Tool Must have an Internet Connection and access to a printer. Must have an Internet Connection and access to a printer. Participant and Project Staff Signatures collected on the SCSEP Income Eligibility Form generated by the Eligibility tool for each participant. Participant and Project Staff Signatures collected on the SCSEP Income Eligibility Form generated by the Eligibility tool for each participant.

SSAI Recertification for PY 2015 t Income Calculations can also be completed by hand using the Income Worksheet Participant and Project Staff Signatures collected directly on the income worksheet Participant and Project Staff Signatures collected directly on the income worksheet Must also enter recertification into Eligibility determination tool. Must also enter recertification into Eligibility determination tool. When Printing the Summary from the eligibility tool, opt-out of printing signature lines by selecting that signatures were already obtained. When Printing the Summary from the eligibility tool, opt-out of printing signature lines by selecting that signatures were already obtained. When entering in SPARQ, always enter the amount from the Eligibility Tool, not from calculation done by hand. When entering in SPARQ, always enter the amount from the Eligibility Tool, not from calculation done by hand.

Recertification Webtool To access the Recertification Webtool:  Browse to Note Between February 2, 2016 and February 29, 2016 you can test the tool by Browsing to  Click on Partner/Subgrantee Sign In (upper right corner)  Click the link to access the SSAI tools  Login using your assigned username and password If you don't have an account you can click the “Request an account” link to send a request to SSAI If you forget your password you can click the “Reset it here” link to get instructions on how to get a new password If you forget your username, you can click the “Retrieve it here” link to get your username ed to you For any other webtools issues please contact SCSEP Front End Team at or or via SSAI Connect.

Recertification Webtool Select SCSEP Eligibility Determination from the Tool drop down

Recertification Recert Participant List To access the recertification list click on Participants. The list shows 15 participant at a time and you can move around the list by clicking Previous or Next You can search by typing a participant name The list can be filtered by:  Not Started - A listing of all participants that needs a recertification entered  In Progress – A listing of all participants that has a recertification that has been started  Found Ineligible - A listing of all participants found ineligible during recertification  Found Eligible - A listing of all participants found eligible during recertification

Recertification Enter Recertification To Enter a Recertification – Click on the Eligibility Status link The process has 6 steps:  1 – Start  2 – Family Size  3 – Method  4 – Income  5 – Document  6 – Summary

Recertification Enter Recertification – Step 1 1 – Start  Select the date your verified the participant’s income. You can either enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or click the calendar icon a select the date  Click next to save your entry and move to the next step

Recertification Enter Recertification – Step 2 2 – Family Size  By default, the participant is shown  To add additional family members click add Family Member, enter their name, and select their relationship to the participant  You can click the remove link if you want to remove an incorrect row  Click next to save your entry and move to the next step

Recertification Enter Recertification – Step Method  Select either 6 months annualized or 12 months. For help on which method to select click the help link.  Click next to save your entry and move to the next step

Recertification Enter Recertification – Step Income  To enter Income for the participant and for any other Family member select either yes or no for each income type For Social security, you must enter the gross amount. The tool will automatically calculate and exclude 25% of social security If you select No to any of the 12 income types, you do not have to enter any amount If you select Yes to any of the 12 income types, you must enter all amounts and enter zero if none. For example, if participant received income only for 3 months, you would enter the amounts for those 3 months and enter 0 for the other months  Click next to save your entry and move to the next step

Recertification Enter Recertification Click next to save your entry and move to the next step

Recertification Enter Recertification – Step Document  Select the document used to verify Family size and any income received by the participant and enter any notes you captures during this recertification  Click next to save your entry and move to the next step

Recertification Enter Recertification – Step 5 If the total income for the participant and for any other family member is zero  Document how the participant supports themselves  And capture a detailed case note  Click next to save your entry and move to the next step

Recertification Enter Recertification – Step 5 When completing recertification in the field, and entering data at a later time, the Participant’s signature must be captured on the Income Worksheet. Check the box in step 5 to indicate that the Participant signature was captured Do not check this box if entering directly into the eligibility tool, and signature is needed on the print-out

Recertification Enter Recertification – Step 6 6 – Summary  At this point, all the data entered is summarized and the income eligibility is automatically determined  For purposes of data validation, this form must be printed and signed by the participant and interviewer. Copies of the verification documentation for family size and income, along with the income worksheet, must be attached and all filed in the participant's file  Click print to print the summary and income worksheets  Click return to get back to your recert list

Recertification SPARQ Entry Select WDCS from the SPARQ Homepage

Recertification SPARQ Entry Search for Participant by last name, Social Security Number, or PID

Recertification SPARQ Entry Select the Participant; once the record appears below, select Edit Smith Sally /09/1949 Sally Smith (443)

Recertification SPARQ Entry Select Recertification/Waiver of Durational Limit Tab

Recertification SPARQ Entry Complete Recertification Section: fields 44 – 50

MIN/ Waiver SPARQ Entry To update MIN Characteristics, complete Waiver of Durational Limit Section: fields 51 – 58

MIN/ Waiver SPARQ Entry Save once you are finished entering the data 59

Any Final Questions? Raise Your Hand to Confer by Phone or Send Us a Note

Questions After This Webinar t Contact the Front End Support Team and a FES Program Officer will respond: or or Call: ; or Call: ; or Open a case via SSAI Connect Open a case via SSAI Connect