Chapter 5 Ancient China Section 1 China’s river valleys
I. Geography A.North China Plain built up by soil deposits of the Huang river ; dry climate B.Southern China, Monsoons make the area warm and wet C.Mountains and seas separate China from other civilizations; called themselves the Middle Kingdom D.Civilization in China grew up along the Huang and Chang rivers
E. The rivers provide good soil (loess) for farming but also bring floods F. The soil helps to fertilize the ground but is lightweight and is easily blown away. It tended to clog the irrigation canals G. Early peoples built dikes/ levees to hold back the flood waters
II. Early civilization A.People of North China Plain were probably nomads who hunted and gathered food B.First farming settlements in the Huang River Valley probably began around 5000 BC C.Shang dynasty first known civilization in China; arose some time after 1760 BC D.Shang people built first cities, did fine bronze work, and developed first Chinese writing, which could be used for different languages E Around 1160 BC, the Zhou Dynasty conquered the Shang
F. Sometimes rulers inherited the throne, others fought for the right to rule. G. Chinese believed one came into power because it was their destiny- Mandate of Heaven (mandate is a law or an order) H. Mandate of Heaven supported a leader’s right to rule and gave a father the right to lead his family
III. Families A.Family was the center of early Chinese society; a person’s first responsibility was to family B.Households might contain five generations of extended family C.In farming communities, extended families might live in separate cottage within walking distances D.Status of a person in a family was based on age and sex, with the oldest male being the center of authority
E. Women’s lives were governed by men: first by their father, then by husband, then by sons F. Chinese were first people known to use two names-one for the family and one for the individual. Family name was 1st