Thoracic Cage Consists of thoracic vertebrae dorsally Ribs are laterally positioned Sternum and Costal Cartilage are anterior
Forms a protective cage around organs found in the thoracic cavity Provides support for the shoulder girdle and upper limb
Sternum Known as the breastbone lies anteriorly on the body midline Flat bone (3 fused – manubrium, body, xyphoid process) The manubrium (top) articulates with the clavicle and first 2 pairs of ribs The body (middle) articulates with the rib pairs 2 through 7 The xyphoid process (inferior end) does not articulate with any ribs (forms the V at end of cage)
RIBS Form the sides of the Thoracic cage with 12 pairs of ribs Attach posteriorly and curve inferiorly toward the anterior of the body The top (superior) 7 pairs are classified as true ribs Attach directly to the sternum via individual costal cartilage Lower 5 pairs of ribs are classified as “false” ribs Attach indirectly to the sternum or lack sternal attachment