+ Sigma Sigma Phi Eta Chapter Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
+ UNT Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine Fort Worth, Texas
+ Current Officers Elizabeth Forner – President Andrew Mikeska – Vice President/Secretary Phi Dinh- Vice President/Treasurer Rachel Posey – Historian Faculty Advisor- Patricia Gwirtz, PhD
+ Current Membership Class of 2018: 47 Class of 2017: 63 Class of 2016: 57 Total Active Members: 167
+ Induction Requirements GPA: 88% Applicants are evaluated based on Academics, Leadership, Service, Awards, and Personal characteristics. Applicants may apply their 2 nd year of medical school, but still must meet all requirements
+ Membership Requirements GPA: 83% Lead 1 SSP Event in first year of induction 4 SSP Hours/Semester 3 rd and 4 th Year members only need 4 hours/year
+ Save the Pump Dump!
+ D.O. Dash
+ Local Partners Members are encouraged to seek out needs in the community then recruit volunteers to fulfill that need. This gives SSP a greater diversity in serving the community.
+ SSP Awards Sigma Sigma Phi Outstanding Scholar Award Members that have a 92% average GPA after 2 years Sigma Sigma Phi Outstanding Service Award Awarded on a semester basis for the member that has the most SSP service hours Awards can be included in the Dean’s Letter
+ Goals Residency Forums Obtain more Alumni involvement within SSP Hold more events that benefit the members of our SSP chapter
+ Questions??