8/8/14 Homeroom On the tab of your folder, write your last name, first name. Example: Thurman, Lindsey When finished, return your folder to me. Eat your breakfast and read quietly. Breakfast is over at 9:15! We will leave for the theater promptly at 9:15 a.m.
8/8/14 E.L.T. Open your agenda to page 22 (“Cobb County Middle School Test Schedule”) and read before we begin. You may begin to complete parts of pages You will have an agenda quiz today, so be sure that you are paying attention!
8/8/14 Language Arts Warm Up/Opening Session Getting to Know You Survey Read the directions and be sure to fold your paper on the dark vertical line, as directed, before you begin. Then, complete it. Once finished, process your totals and determine which learning style fits you best. If you have a tie, pick the one category that you find most appealing.
8/8/14 Essential Question: How can I let Ms. Thurman know about my specific needs/concerns for Language Arts? Standard: ELACC6W4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. “Today I will use RAFT writing because it will help me address a topic for a specific audience and purpose.”
Diagnostic Pre-Test: Unit 1 Mark your answers on your Scantron in pencil only. Don’t forget to write your name, date, and class period on your Scantron! Once you have finished, begin the following: “Letter to My Teacher” Writing Activity Task: Write a letter to Ms. Thurman telling her everything she needs to know about you as a student. Use one piece of paper to pre-write/ brainstorm. Write final draft on a separate sheet of paper. 8/8/14
Print Your Name UNDER your signature (Your Name, Date, & Class Period)
8/8/14 Closing Session/Homework Your “All About Me” letter is due Monday! Write this date down in your agenda to help you remember. Your parents have homework, too! Be sure to return their “All About My Child” letter on Monday, as well!