What are the factors affecting renewable energy use?
Factors affecting renewable energy use: Intermittence Unreliability Energy Density Ease of storage Environmental Impact Geographic / Locational Constraints Suitability for current use? Level of Development Economics (incentives to encourage use)
Design a hand-out / presentation on the factor you have been given. Remember you also need to design a test to test the person you teach!
Which are the most / least important factors? Add a colour code.
Intermittence Factors Affecting Renewable Energy Use Means energy resources are not available all of the time and it can’t be relied upon. Other resources must therefore be drawn upon to meet demand. e.g. Tidal is intermittent as it only occurs twice per day, however it is reliable. e.g. Wind is intermittent as it only available when the average wind speed is > 4m/s. It is hard to know when this will be into the future so wind is also unreliable!