Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation Every particle in nature attract other particles with a large force is directly proportional to the product of the two particles and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two masses gravitational constant How does the gravitational force by the ball-shaped mass? The force of gravity on the mass m on the surface of the earth : massa bumi Jari-jari bumi
Heavy Objects and Gravitational Force Heavy objects on the earth's surface How heavy objects at a height h from the surface of the earth? Jarak benda ke pusat bumi The farther from the earth's surface, the smaller the acceleration of gravity
Kepler's laws Is it true the earth around the sun? Why are the planets around the sun? How to track the orbit of the planets? 1. All the planets circulating in a path elip with the sun as focus. 2. Vector position of each planet to the sun in the same time interval the same swept area. 3. Square of each planet's orbital period is proportional to the cube of the major axis trajectory. Does Newton's Law of Gravitation in accordance with this statement Suppose the orbit of the planet to the sun is a circle : KMKM F1F1 F1F1 a bc
MPMP v r M Kepler's Second Law and the Conservation of Angular Momentum F Moment of force : Always go to orbit center ? r M drdr dAdA The area exposed to r in time interval dt r drdr = konstan In the same time interval r position sweep the same area h
Gravity Field and Gravity Potential Gravity field : The force experienced by the test mass m in the gravitational field g Medan Gravitasi bumi : O P Q r1r1 r2r2 F drdr Effort only depends on the initial position danUs end Selalu menuju ke O Gaya terpusat RBRB r1r1 r2r2 m F F Energi potensial massa m pada posisi r
Energy Planet and Satellite Motion M m v r Law,s Newton II : What is the minimum speed of the object to escape Earth's gravity? M m vivi r mak h