1 15/03/2016 VDL Mode 4 Co-Site Investigations Part I Co-Site Interference Scenarios Bertrand DESPERIER ISA TELECOMS
2 15/03/2016 Problem Overview and Study Objectives Characterize air co-site scenarios considered to be representative of real and anticipated operational cases VDL Mode 4 & AM VDL Mode 4 & VDL Mode 2 Both point to point and broadcast VDL Mode 4 usage are addressed Prepare the elaboration of detailed testing plan according to the identified scenarios Explore operational quality of service requirements to identify related interference criteria
3 15/03/2016 How to build a Scenario ? Victim system User Profile: in time & size distribution (G/A or A/A) Received victim power Interferer system User : in time & size distribution (A/G or A/A) Interferer power at the victim receiver input Frequency separation from victim channel
4 15/03/2016 How to build a scenario ? Airborne type : Antenna coupling Feeder Loss (Tx, Rx) Co-site Interferer system power Interferer victim receiver input Spectrum: ICAO FMG Frequency planning Applications classes in use: Broadcast Point to point Technologies properties: Network overheads Access Mode… Interferer Channel occupancy profile Victim Channel occupancy profile Frequency Separation Typical flight: Flight phase On event application triggering Victim victim receiver input Operational Scenario Testing Scenario
5 15/03/2016 Interferer Power Interferer LargeSmallLight SameOpp.SameOpp.SameOpp. Isolation (dB) Rx Feeder loss (dB)333 Total Losses (dB) Voice Tx Power (dBm) Interferer power at receiver input (dBm) VDL4 Tx Power (dBm) Interferer power at receiver input (dBm)
6 15/03/2016 Usage Profiles AM profile are based on real data (Erctl voice profile study) 4 categories of Data Link profiles have been defined Ground to Air Surveillance broadcast (TIS-B) Air Surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) Sporadic point to point (CPDLC, CM, FIS, D-SIGMET, NOTAM, FLIPCY,DYNAV …) Periodic point to point (ADS-C, CAP…)
7 15/03/2016 Minimum victim signal level DSB-AM From ground DSB-AM From air VDL 4 From ground VDL 4 From air VDL 2 From ground Min signal at air receiver antenna Annex 10, Vol. III 75 V/m -82 dBm 75 V/m -82 dBm 75 V/m -82 dBm 35 V/m -88 dBm 75 V/m -82 dBm Feeder loss3 dB Antenna gain0 dB Minimum victim signal at receiver input -85 dBm -91 dBm-85 dBm
8 15/03/2016 Spectrum DSB-AMVDL4VDL 2 VDL4 (Assumed based on current VDL2 To be revisited ) 4 Channels 100 kHz 1 Channel 25 kHz VDL2 4 Channels 100 kHz 1 Channel 25 kHz 1 Channel 25 kHz Current Required guard band