Energy Budget The amount of energy arriving at the Earth and leaving the Earth must be in balance. If more energy arrives than leaves, the Earth will warm up over time.
conduction energy transfer by direct contact of particles convection energy transfer through the movement of particles from one location to another (occurs in a fluid – gas or liquid) conduction occurs on the earth’s surface on the land (solid part) convection occurs on the earth surface in the water (liquid) or atmosphere (gas)
Types of Energy Transfer radiation is energy transfer through a vacuum by means of waves. The set of waves that can travel through the vacuum of space into our atmosphere is called the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum consist of several types of waves that travel at the speed of 300,000 km/s (speed of light). e.g. radio waves, uv-rays, microwaves, x-rays, infrared radiation (heat), visible light, gamma rays
energy from the sun is radiated to the Earth. Radiation
Short-wave solar radiation arrives from the sun and heats the land or water.
Long wave infra-red radiation from the ground heats the air above it
Conduction Very little effect on climate as conduction involves only short distance energy transfers
Convection Convection currents are caused by warm, less dense air rising On the ground, convection currents are seen as winds and cooler, more dense air falling
On a global scale, convection currents move energy from the equator towards the poles
Ocean Convection Currents Note here the movement is NOT just about moving heat from the Equator to the Poles Europe is most affected by these currents.
Cape Henrietta Maria Ayr, Scotland 55 o N latitude line Both are on the coast, both are at 55 o N Do they have a similar climate?
Cape Henrietta Maria in May notice the ice! Ayr, Scotland in May notice the palm trees!
Which type of Energy Transfer will be influenced by human activities? Do human activities affect radiation from the sun? Do human activities affect conduction through materials? Do human activities affect convections winds? No to all of the above! So how might humans affect climate?