Prevent Brain Drain How to grow smarter kids
Prevent Brain Drain Key Question: How do you think you learn new things? Initial Thoughts:
Evidence: Article – Prevent Brain Drain Paste your article into your notebook What is an analogy? A comparison of the similarities of 2 things. Listen while I read out loud, and try to create a mental picture.
Analysis Questions 1.What was the analogy that the author used? – Palm Trees = – Concrete = – Tidal Waves = – Island = 2. What determines how quickly or easily it is to do a task or remember something? 3.Why is it important to not give up when you get frustrated when trying to learn a new thing? (especially at your age)
Summary In a well developed paragraph: – What did you think before about how the brain is organized? (look back at your initial thoughts) – What did you learn about how the brain is organized? Be specific! (look back at your evidence section). – What evidence do you have that you learned this? – Further Thoughts Make sure this is thoughtful and thorough
Reflection Write an encouraging letter to yourself for when you get frustrated when learning something new. OR Draw a picture, with color, of the island analogy in the article. Label each part with its brain counterpart.
Big Idea You need to practice something in order to build the myelin around your neuron, so you can remember things.