Leadership’s Role in Inclusive LGBTQ- Supportive Schools Kierstyn Johnson Fall 2015 ADMS 618
Purpose Not enough research in this area and how it impacts student achievment. To inform aspiring educational leaders and administrators. Hatzenbuehler (2011) found that gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth were more likely to attempt suicide (20% more likely) than their straight counterparts, particularly in unsupportive environments.
Social Justice Theoharis has argued that social-justice principals “make issues of race, class, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other historically and currently marginalizing conditions in the United States central to their advocacy, leadership prac- tice, and vision” (p. 223).
Strategies 1. Complete a school equity audit Does your district have any active policies that support sexual orientation? How and to what extent does your district’s curriculum provide instruction related to sexual orientation? If a group of students approached your school’s principal and requested permission to begin a gay-and-lesbian support group, how would your principal or district likely respond? Assess your school’s library and media holdings related to sexual orientation. To what extent do students in your school have access to information about sexual orientation and what is the nature of this information? Report two pieces of academic-achievement data (reading and math) that relate to this area of diversity. How are lesbian, gay, and bisexual students performing academically?
More Strategies 2. Don’t presume 3. Queer theory 4. Panel discussions (used to weaken heteronormative forces) 5. Ask gender neutral questions 6. institute rituals, celebrations, and activities designed to affirm LGBTQ youth. 7. Become knowledgeable about district policies and advocate for students.