In the 60’s the Beatles were extremely popular in Europe and in North America, especially in Liverpool, and they even went to other continents. Fans wanted to be like them, to look like them and to do the same things. When they heard their songs they became hysterical.
The fans were mainly young ladies. They were totally crazy about them. They screamed, shook their hands and they would even cry for them. They thought they couldn’t live without them. Some fans fainted. They completely lost their minds! They tried to grab the Beatles, they held posters, waved with a big smile, took photos…They were ready to queue for hours just to gaze at them!! In Paris, fans were mostly young men.
Policemen used to overwork because they had to protect the Beatles from their fans. But they also had to carry the fainted fans away. They helped as much as they could. They looked desperate and miserable. Policemen used to overwork because they had to protect the Beatles from their fans. But they also had to carry the fainted fans away. They helped as much as they could. They looked desperate and miserable. Poor policemen!!!
We think these fans’ reactions are too excessive because they cried for them and they even fainted but this is too disproportionate. We would not react like that. We would just sing and maybe dance.