Outline of the Session What is academic audit Areas identified for audit in 2015/16 Audit process (continuous audit) Details of audit activities in each of the chosen areas Questions and further information
Academic Audit Regulatory process (see section D of the Academic Principles and Regulations).Academic Principles and Regulations Serves to assure Academic Board that delegated responsibilities for quality and standards are being appropriately discharged (reports to Committees). Promotes quality enhancement through recognition and dissemination of good practice.
Types of Academic Audit Continuous Audit Monitoring and evaluation of routinely produced evidence (desk-based) and observation of identified activities. Enhancement Audit Specific issues or themes which arise from consideration of the outcomes of continuous audit and/or any other form of internal or external monitoring and review at faculty or university level.
Academic Audit 2015/16 Faculty Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Approval Boards Key Information Sets data Approval/Periodic Review process reviews and event reports Collaborative admissions processes Areas Identified for Audit
Continuous Audit Process Areas for audit identified Audit team confirmed Briefing sessions delivered and supporting materials produced Audit areas assigned Event secretaries notified of audits (observations only) Audits undertaken (data and confidentiality) Audit reports submitted to Summary report produced for Academic Quality & Standards Committee
Continuous Audit 2015/16 Recognition of Prior Learning Approval Boards Aim: to observe two Faculty Recognition of Prior Learning Approval Boards per faculty. Rationale: to provide assurance that our RPL processes are being adhered to, to identify any areas for development and to highlight good practice. Method: observation of a sample of Boards and completion of an audit report.
Continuous Audit 2015/16 Key Information Sets Data Aim: to check key elements of our KIS return against the source approval documentation; student module registration data; timetabling data; and our PSRB register. Rationale: to provide assurance regarding data quality in our KIS return, to identify data quality issues and areas for improvement. Method: desk-based checks against relevant documentation and datasets and completion of an audit report.
Continuous Audit 2015/16 Approval/Periodic Review Process Reviews and Event Reports Aim: to review the relationship between the two templates that were introduced as part of the revised event-based approach to approval and periodic review. Rationale: to consider their effectiveness and propose revisions to the templates or guidance (if applicable). Method: to review a sample of process reviews and event reports from 2014/15. Findings will be captured in an audit report.
Enhancement Audit 2015/16 Collaborative Admissions Processes Aim: to evaluate collaborative partner’s understanding of our requirements in respect of admissions processes including our policies and procedures, English language requirements, roles and responsibilities and to identify areas of good practice and enhancement. Rationale: to provide assurance to Academic Board that collaborative admissions processes are being correctly implemented both by the University and our partners and that admissions decisions are made fairly transparently and consistently. Method: a sample of admissions files from five partners who operate a range of collaborative models across the Taxonomy, follow up discussions via Skype with key players.
Further Information Webpage: Claire Eatough (Quality Assurance Services) Tel: ext