Matthew Joyce – Student Progression Manager Harton Technology College – Gatsby Pilot
Context: Located in South Shields Mixed intake (KS2 APS: 27.1) 1,650 students – including 300 students in KS5 ‘Outstanding’ since 2006 National Teaching School since 2011
Harton Technology College – Gatsby Pilot How did we rate on the benchmarks?: Benchmark 1: Good Benchmark 2: Very good Benchmark 3: Good Benchmark 4: Ok Benchmark 5: Very good Benchmark 6: Good Benchmark 7: Very good Benchmark 8: Very good
Harton Technology College – Gatsby Pilot Benefits: Very useful ‘tool’ to map our CEIAG provision, which identified strengths and weaknesses Allowed us to target easy ‘wins’ – to improve our offer Helped us to create a focussed action plan for developing our CEIAG programme further Helping us prepare for our Quality Assurance Award Raised the profile of CEIAG, particularly within SLT
Innovation Fund: Our audit recognised two particular areas of weakness : LMI Linking curriculum to careers Bid: To commission an LMI specialist to work with a deputy head, and each subject department, to audit their KS3, 4 & 5 provision (and how it relates to the ‘world of work’), building on good practice and creating a specific action plan to make stronger links through the curriculum to LMI. Longer term, we need to make this ‘project’ is sustainable and replicable.
Innovation Fund: Bid benefits: The curriculum should become more relevant – in what we offer/how it is delivered/who delivers Students should become better informed – LMI/skills and qualities Students should become more motivated We should develop stronger links to employers Improve our destinations figures? Improve our grades? Maintain our outstanding Ofsted rating?
Gatsby inspired activities:
“It has taught me to never give up” “I need to work hard and put more effort in” “I should aim to get better in everything I do” “I am going to improve my teamwork and communication skills”
Gatsby inspired activities: We have re-written our CEIAG policy and are in the process of putting it on our website We have organised a CEIAG working group, involving termly meetings between key staff and our link governor We are updating our website with key resources incl. LMI We have organised for the Year 9s to get involved in Buzz ….and there are many more activities planned!
Destination Measures Criticisms: Time lag The form the information is in Gatsby: Collaborative work between schools, LA’s, FE/HE providers and, possibly, other government departments More immediate Longer tracking More opportunity to use the destination data to help inform practice/develop curriculum Good in principle – as an alternative way of holding schools to account
Conclusion: Gatsby has given us the opportunity to develop our own CEIAG programme, but also to (hopefully) inform future policy at a national level We hope it can make positive difference to our students – broadening their horizons, raising their aspirations and giving them the confidence to achieve!
“The mightiest oak tree was once just a tiny little nut that held its ground.”