FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 2UCB, September 21, 2005 Personnel and Flight Hardware Status FM1 SCM End-Item Data Package Folder #21: FM1 SCM Harness Folder (SN02) Folder #22: FM1 SCM Folder (SN04) SCM Changes since FM1 PER None FM1 SCM Open Items SCM Regulator added to Pre-Amp SCM Backup Slides (presented at FM1 PER) Environmental Qualification, Acceptance and Performance Test Summary Overview
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 3UCB, September 21, 2005 SCM Status Personnel and Hardware Status Centre d’etudes des Environnements Terrestre et Planetaires (CETP) –Bertrand De la Porte –Alain Roux –O. Le Contel –Abdel Bouabdellah –Christophe Coillot –Dominique Alison –Sebastien Ruocco Flight Hardware Status –6 Flight Units of SCM Sensor (SCM-SC) and SCM Pre-Amp Electronics (SCM-PA) have been delivered to UCB –Design verification through IDPU system occurs periodically during Instrument Suite Comprehensive Performance Tests. SCM sensor is in quiet magnetic environment in THEMIS Mu Metal Can for these tests.
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 4UCB, September 21, 2005 Folder #22: SCM FM1 Folder (SC-SN1, PA-SN1) Table of Contents Environmental Test Reports THEMIS SCM-SC Vibration Test Data THEMIS SCM-PA Vibration Test Data THEMIS SCM-SC Thermal Test Data and Log THM-SCM-TST-13 SCM-SC Vibration Test Report THM-SCM-TST-11 SCM-PA Vibration Test Report THM-SCM-TST-14 SCM-SC Thermal Test Report THM-SCM-TST-12 SCM-PA Thermal Test Report Acceptance Data Package Table of Contents: Shipping Documents, Handling and Operations, Qualification Status, Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs), Historical Record, Test Reports, Physical Measurements (mass properties) Note: SCM-PA was delivered with no NCRs Calibration Reports THM-SCM-TST-15 THEMIS SCM Full Calibration Test Report Provides measurement of Transfer Function, Gain, Phase, Sensitivity and exact orientations of magnetic sensor as obtained at Chambon-la-Floret Calibration Facility End-Item Data Package
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 5UCB, September 21, 2005 Folder #21: SCM Harness FM1 Folder (SN02) Table of Contents Harness Diagram THM_SCM_HRN_001 Rev C Assembly Report Jackson and Tull Certification Log (continuation sheet, problem records, work order table, tool and equipment usage record, certification of conformance, crimp tool tensile test records) Inspection Harness continuity test Rework/Repair Reports None Notes & Pictures End-Item Data Package
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 6UCB, September 21, 2005 SCM Open Items SCM Pre-Amp Regulator System self-compatibility testing showed SCM susceptibility to power line noise Adding a low drop-out (LDO) regulator removes spikes in time series data and improves the performance in the frequency data SCM currently meets requirements without the regulator. However, adding LDO regulator to Pre-Amp would be risk mitigation for noise seen from the Probes Regulator concept is proven and tested on flight system Team is currently working final solution on the ETU SCM Pre-amp before making modifications to flight units
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 7UCB, September 21, 2005 BACK-UP: THEMIS FM1 SCM PER Presentation
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 8UCB, September 21, 2005 ItemModelTest typeQ/A level Report referenceResult SCM- PA EM (ETU) Functional Vibrations Thermal Physical QQQQQQQQ Covered by Thermal Test THM-SCM-PA-TST-01 THM-SCM-PA-TST-02 THM-SCM-PA-TST-03 Success SCM- Pre-Amplifier QUALIFICATION The design of the PA has been qualified with the ETU Model (EM) In addition, the SCM-PA has been (will be ?) tested in Thermal Vacuum, mounted on the IDPU ALL TEST REPORTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE ACCEPTANCE DATA PACKAGE DELIVERED WITH THE EM THM-SCM-ADP-0a section 06
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 9UCB, September 21, 2005 ItemModelTest typeQ/A level Report referenceResult SCM- SC EM (ETU) Functional / Calibration Vibrations Thermal Physical Thermal Potting only QQQQQQQQQQ THM-SCM-SC-TST-05 THM-SCM-CAL-EM1.0 THM-SCM-SC-TST-06 THM-SCM-SC-TST-07 THM-SCM-SC-TST-08 THM-SCM-SC-TST-09 Success Success (*) Success SCM- Search Coil QUALIFICATION The design of the SC has been qualified with the ETU Model (EM) ALL TEST REPORTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE ACCEPTANCE DATA PACKAGE DELIVERED WITH THE EM THM-SCM-ADP-0b section 06 (*) in this test, only the functional properties of the Sensor were validated in thermal. A few cracks being observed in the external potting, the design of the potting was modified and qualified in the test TST-09
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 10UCB, September 21, 2005 ItemModelTest typeQ/A level Report referenceResult SCM- PA F1Functional Vibrations Thermal Physical AAAAAAAA Covered by Thermal Test THM-SCM-PA-TST-11 THM-SCM-PA-TST-12 THM-SCM-PA-TST-03 EM measurements, not repeated with FMs Success See EM ACCEPTANCE TESTS of SCM - Pre-Amplifier The PA, Model F1, has been tested at Acceptance level In addition, the SCM-PA has been (will be ?) tested in Thermal Vacuum, mounted on the IDPU ALL TEST REPORTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE ACCEPTANCE DATA PACKAGE DELIVERED WITH THE FM1 THM-SCM-ADP-1a
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 11UCB, September 21, 2005 ItemModelTest typeQ/A level Report referenceResult SCM- SC F1Functional / Calibration Vibrations Thermal Vac Physical AAAAAA THM-SCM-SC-TST- 15 THM-SCM-SC-TST-13 THM-SCM-SC-TST-14 THM-SCM-SC-TST-08 EM measurements, not repeated with FMs Success See EM ACCEPTANCE TESTS of SCM- Search Coil The SC, model F1, has been tested at Acceptance level ALL TEST REPORTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE ACCEPTANCE DATA PACKAGE DELIVERED WITH THEFM1 THM-SCM-ADP-1b
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 12UCB, September 21, 2005 ItemTestlevelspecification PA/SCVibration Sine Vibration Random Vibration Sine Vibration Random QQAAQQAA According to SAI-STM Qualification According to SAI-STM-2510 – Qualification According to SAI-STM Acceptance According to SAI-STM Acceptance PA SC PA SC Thermal Thermal Vacuum QQAAQQAA 3 cycles; 4 h/step; -45, +60 °C 6 cycles; 4 h/step; -100, +80 °C 3 cycles; 4 h/step; -45, +55 °C 2 cycles; 4 h/step; -70, +45 °C CalibrationQ/AAccording to the scientific requirements THM TESTS SPECIFICATIONS The SCM FM1, FM2, FM3 have been tested all together
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 13UCB, September 21, 2005 THEMIS SCM SCHEDULE ItemModelDelivery DateDelivery Status SCM (SC-PA & Harness) ETU : PA ETU : SC FM1 FM2 FM3 FM4 FM5 Spare Model August 04, 2004 November 24, 2005 January 01, 2005 March 22, 2005 April 04, 2005 May 2005 (tbc) Delivered Qualification under progress The SCM FM1 & FM2 have been delivered together The SCM FM3 & FM4 have been delivered together
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 14UCB, September 21, 2005 SC Vibration test
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 15UCB, September 21, 2005 SC Thermal vacuum test
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 16UCB, September 21, 2005 PA Vibration test
FM1 Instrument Suite PSRSCM - 17UCB, September 21, 2005 PA Thermal test