정의 주로 동사나 전치사의 목적어로 쓰이며 ‘( 의문사 ) ~ 할지 ’ 의 의 미를 나타낼 때 쓰인다. 의문사 + to 부정사 A 형태 의문사 (when/ how/ where/ what) + to 동사원형 What/which + to 부정사 무엇을 ~ 할지 Where + to 부정사 어디에서 [ 어디로 ] ~ 할지 When + to 부정사언제 ~ 할지 Hot + to 부정사 어떻게 ~ 할지, ~ 하는 법 All of a sudden he burst into tears. He didn't stop crying. I didn't know what I should say to him. → I didn't know what to say to him.
형성평가 다음 밑줄 친 문장에서 잘못된 부분을 찾아 고쳐 봅시다. 1. It's very hard to make a pizza. Please tell me what to cook it. →. 2. I don't know when to go. Where is the door? →. 3. I didn't know how please her when my friend was so depressed. →. 4. Each time he thought only about how moving up 15 centimeters. →.
형성평가 다음 밑줄 친 문장에서 잘못된 부분을 찾아 고쳐 봅시다. 1. It's very hard to make a pizza. Please tell me what to cook it. →. 2. I don't know when to go. Where is the door? →. 3. I didn't know how please her when my friend was so depressed. →. 4. Each time he thought only about how moving up 15 centimeters. →. Please tell me how to cook it. I don't know where to go. I didn't know how to please her when my friend was so depressed. Each time he thought only about how to move up 15 centimeters. how to move how to please where how
정의 과거 사실과 반대되는 일을 가정하거나 소망할 때 쓰며, ‘ 만 약 ~ 했더라면, ~ 했을 텐데 ’ 라는 의미이다. 가정법 과거 완료 B A: Why didn't you call me last night? B: I lost my phone yesterday. That's why I didn't call you. If I had known his number, I would have called him. 형태 If + 주어 + had + 과거분사..., 주어 + 조동사의 과거 (would/could/should/ might)+ have + 과거분사... Example
형성평가 다음 문장을 가정법 문장으로 바꿔 써 봅시다. 1.You didn't exercise, so you gained so much weight. → If you had exercised,. 2. I spent all the money on new clothes, so I couldn't buy a new book. → If. 3. We couldn't stay at a hotel because it cost too much money. →. 4. I lost my mp3 player yesterday, so I couldn't listen to the news. →.
형성평가 다음 문장을 가정법 문장으로 바꿔 써 봅시다. 1.You didn't exercise, so you gained so much weight. → If you had exercised,. 2. I spent all the money on new clothes, so I couldn't buy a new book. → If. 3. We couldn't stay at a hotel because it cost too much money. →. 4. I lost my mp3 player yesterday, so I couldn't listen to the news. →. you would not have gained so much weight. I had not spent all money on new clothes, I could have bought a new book. We could have stayed at a hotel, if it had not cost too much money. If I had not lost my mp3 player yesterday, I could have listened to the news.