Unlocking Leadership Overview +44 (0) (0)
“ The old ways won’t work. Take care to get what you like, or you will be forced to like what you get.” New Ways Adapted from Pygmalion, George Bernard Shaw
3 Leader-Manager Continuum Leader Outward Looking Manager Inward Looking Outcomes OutputsThroughputsInputs CIPD distinguishes the difference in leadership and management as between being more emotional (leadership) than rational (management) OversightForesight
4 Position or Choice? Position Choice or ?
5 Active or Passive? ActiveActive PassivePassive Less Effective Effective Bass and Riggio (2006) Full Range Leadership Transformational Transactional Laissez Faire
6 Importance of Context PE ST SW OT SO WOT? Social Capital
7 Direction, Support and Results Leader’s role is to:- Clarify purpose and strategy Establish a performance pathway Provide resources and remove obstacles Guide, support and recognise people Make sure that objectives are achieved. House, R.J. (1996) Path-goal theory of leadership: lessons, legacy and a reformulated theory Leadership Quarterly, 7(3),
8 Relationships Leader Follower
9 One-to-One Leader Member Exchange (LMX )Theory FollowerLeader One-to-One (Dyadic) Relationship
10 Influence Especially when leading ‘beyond authority’ Requires particular attention to Communication Networking, Influencing Collaboration. Middleton, Julia (2007) Beyond Authority: Leadership in a Changing World, Hampshire, Palgrave MacMillan
11 Leadership Equation Leadership = EQ + IQ +MQ Emotional Intelligence The ability to determine the requirement for leadership in a particular situation and select an appropriate response
12 Team Leadership Styles Consult Empower TellSell
13 Can it be Learned? “The ingredients of leadership cannot be taught, however. They must be learned.” (Warren Bennis)
14 “Leadership is like fruit...”
15 Leadership Definition A definition of leadership:- Leadership is an active, influencing relationship among leaders and followers who intend real change that will result in the achievement of objectives held in common.
16 Five Fundamentals Personal Qualities demonstrating integrity, competence, decisiveness and behavioural flexibility Positioning knowing and understanding the context of the internal and external environment Purpose articulating clear mission, vision, values and strategy People engaging, motivating, empowering and supporting people Performance planning, making things happen, reviewing and getting results.
17 Positioning Connecting People with Purpose Clarify purpose and objectives Position yourself and the organisation based on context Establish a performance pathway Provide resources and remove obstacles Guide, support and recognise people Regularly review to make sure objectives are achieved. People Obstacles Purpose Performance Opportunities
18 Leadership as a Dance Henri Matisse. (1910). Dance (II)., Oil on canvas, Displayed in The Hermitage, St Petersburg Leadership as... “an energetic dance that binds the leader and followers, in which each side is fully present, active and able to shape the other.”