Division 1Division II Graduate from High School Complete the below 16 core courses: 1) 4 years of English 1) 3 years of English 2) 3 years of Math 2) 2 years of Math 3) 2 years of physical or natural science 4) 2 years of Social Science 5) 1 additional year of English, Math, or Science 5) 3 additional years of English, Math, or Science 6) 4 years of additional Core courses from above or foreign language, religion, or philosophy 6) 4 years of additional Core courses from above or foreign language, religion or philosophy Earn a minimum required GPA in core coursesEarn 2.0 or better in core courses** Earn combined ACT or SAT sum score that matches your core course GPA and test score on sliding scale SAT Combined 820 / ACT sum score of 68** **Beginning Aug 1, 2018 sliding scale will be used
Core GPASAT**ACT** or above Minimum ** Combined Critical Reading & Math**Sum for English, Math, Reading, Science Sections *For complete scale, go to
Qualifier – Athlete may receive athletic aid, may practice and compete 1 st year. May play 4 seasons of your sport if academic eligibility is maintained Academic Redshirt – Athlete may receive athletic aid and practice, but may not compete 1 st year. Must complete 9 hours in 1 st term to continue practices Non-Qualifier – Athlete cannot receive athletics aid, practice or compete 1 st year Complete 16 core courses, 10 before start of Senior year* Complete 16 core courses** Fails to meet the standards for a qualifier or an academic redshirt Minimum Core-Course GPA of 2.3 Minimum Core-Course GPA of 2.0 Meet sliding scale of GPA and ACT/SAT score Graduate from high school *7 of 10 must be in English, Math or Science Courses are “locked in” ** Students who fail to meet the 10 core courses prior to senior year will be allowed to retake core courses in 7 th and 8 th semester
Qualifier – Athlete may receive athletic aid, may practice and compete 1 st year. May play 4 seasons of your sport if academic eligibility is maintained Partial Qualifier – Athlete may receive athletic aid, and may practice at home facility but may not compete during 1 st year. May play 4 seasons of your sport if academic eligibility is maintained Non-Qualifier – Athlete cannot receive athletics aid, practice or compete 1 st year. May play four seasons in your sport if academic eligibility is maintained Complete 16 core courses prior to college enrollment Complete 16 core courses* Fails to meet the standards for a qualifier or an academic redshirt Minimum Core-Course GPA of 2.0 Earn a combined SAT score of 820 or ACT sum score of 68 Meet sliding scale of GPA and ACT/SAT score Graduate from high school * Students who fail to meet the 10 core courses prior to senior year will be allowed to retake core courses in 7 th and 8 th semester