Polar Research Thesis Topics Associate Research Professor Tim Stanton X3144 Spanegal 329 Comparisons of ocean heat fluxes.


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Presentation transcript:

Polar Research Thesis Topics Associate Research Professor Tim Stanton X3144 Spanegal 329 Comparisons of ocean heat fluxes in the Arctic Ocean in the last 4 years Comparisons of ocean heat fluxes in the Arctic Ocean in the last 4 years The ocean-ice-atmosphere heat balance The ocean-ice-atmosphere heat balance The effects of ice keels on upper ocean heat fluxes The effects of ice keels on upper ocean heat fluxes Designing a long term ambient noise measurement module for the ocean flux buoys Designing a long term ambient noise measurement module for the ocean flux buoys

SHEBA ice-ocean-atmosphere albedo feedback experiment

Remote, unattended ocean flux measurements

Measure mixed layer heat, salt and momentum fluxes and upper ocean velocity structure with an Iridium connected, 2 year autonomous buoy

Full buoy drift since the April 2006 deployment, and the winter mix-down

Sidescan image of an ice ridge (during SHEBA)

High Latitude Thesis Topics Interanual variability of upper ocean fluxes Interanual variability of upper ocean fluxes Effects of ice keels on upper ocean fluxes Effects of ice keels on upper ocean fluxes Ocean fluxes in the Weddell Sea (4 buoys deployed during MAUDNESS) and the effects of the Maud Rise undersea sea mount Ocean fluxes in the Weddell Sea (4 buoys deployed during MAUDNESS) and the effects of the Maud Rise undersea sea mount Evaluating an autonomous profiling ocean flux sensor system for measuring heat fluxes beneath Antarctic ice shelves Evaluating an autonomous profiling ocean flux sensor system for measuring heat fluxes beneath Antarctic ice shelves

Requirements A strong interest in Polar oceanography A strong interest in Polar oceanography Want to develope strong problem solving skills using primarily MATLAB Want to develope strong problem solving skills using primarily MATLAB Participate in a reading course on the background literature Participate in a reading course on the background literature Further background at: Further background at:

Nearshore Thesis Topics Associate Research Professor Tim Stanton X3144 Spanegal 329 Wave breaking and bottom boundary layer processes in the surf zone Wave breaking and bottom boundary layer processes in the surf zone Nonlinear internal waves in Monterey Bay Nonlinear internal waves in Monterey Bay Coupling of wind stress through waves into the ocean (CBLAST) Coupling of wind stress through waves into the ocean (CBLAST) An analysis of a wave driven, mud lutocline layer in Monterey Bay An analysis of a wave driven, mud lutocline layer in Monterey Bay

RCEX / NCEX / CROSSTEX Determine suspended sediment transport fluxes from 2 field and one controlled tank experiment Determine suspended sediment transport fluxes from 2 field and one controlled tank experiment Develop improved parameterizations of sediment transport due to wave and current forcing Develop improved parameterizations of sediment transport due to wave and current forcing Measure bottom boundary layer processes contributing to dissipation of waves and currents Measure bottom boundary layer processes contributing to dissipation of waves and currents

Nearshore boundary layer instrumentation

Ripples formed over the shoal during low to moderate forcing How much sediment transport was contained within the propagating ripples?

Concurrent (u,v,w,C)(z,t) Concurrent (u,v,w,C)(z,t) Turbulence-resolving sediment fluxes Turbulence-resolving sediment fluxes BCDV Profile Timeseries

Bedform Evolution Under the Combined Influence of Waves and Currents at the Inner Shelf MISO Site

THE BOTTOM BOUNDARY LAYER UNDER SHOALING INNER SHELF SOLITONS Kristi Mae Tjoa Ensign, United States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy, 2002 MS, June 2003, NPGS

Sub-surface wave field Measurements During the CBLAST Air-Sea Interaction Experiment Upward-looking Bistatic Coherent Doppler Velocity Profiler : (u,v,w,S)(z) with 1.5cm resolution over a 1.5 m range at 20 Hz Upward-looking Bistatic Coherent Doppler Velocity Profiler : (u,v,w,S)(z) with 1.5cm resolution over a 1.5 m range at 20 Hz Provides non-invasive, high temporal and spatial resolution velocity profiles into the crest-trough region of moderately forced wind waves Provides non-invasive, high temporal and spatial resolution velocity profiles into the crest-trough region of moderately forced wind waves Limited range requires a tide-tracking instrument mount Limited range requires a tide-tracking instrument mount Concurrent laser and pressure wave slope measurements Concurrent laser and pressure wave slope measurements

Surface-referenced backscatter, vertical velocity and cross-wind stress profile timeseries. A wave breaking event at T=8sec injects bubbles which are then entrained deeper by a Langmuir cell under.4m wave height saturated wind waves. Tim Stanton, NPS The resulting 90 s cross-shore stress Component and backscatter profile

Future Experiments Korean Tidal Mudflats Korean Tidal Mudflats Truc Vert nearshore experiment in France, spring 2008 Truc Vert nearshore experiment in France, spring 2008 Pine Island Glacier Study 2008 / 2009 Pine Island Glacier Study 2008 / 2009