Types of Sentences and Sentence Errors Mr. Eble CP1 Junior English
First of All: A complete sentence… …has a subject and a verb Incomplete: Went to the store to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. Complete: Ben went to the store to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. …expresses a complete thought Incomplete: When he went to the checkout counter to pay for the zombie repellent. Complete: When he went to the checkout counter to pay for the zombie repellent, Ben warned the cashier.
Types of Sentences Simple A sentence with one independent clause and no dependent clauses. Mr. Buckley shaves his head every week. Compound A sentence with multiple independent clauses but no dependent clauses. Mr. Buckley shaves his head every week, and Mr. Eble mocks him for it.
Types of Sentences (cont’d) Complex A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Because Mr. Buckley shaves his head every week, Mr. Eble mocks him. Complex / Compound A sentence with multiple independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Mr. Buckley shaves his head every week, and because Mr. Eble mocks him (which is funny), the two engage in a fistfight just as often.
Works Consulted University of North Carolina Writing Center: agments-and-run-ons/ agments-and-run-ons/ Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL): nt/index.php?category_id=2&sub_catego ry_id=1&article_id=33 nt/index.php?category_id=2&sub_catego ry_id=1&article_id=33