Double click on the Internet Explorer Icon on your Desktop. This should take you to the Polytechnic of Namibia Intranet Home site or Click on this link.
Click on ITS Links
Select Personnel from the Login Screen.
Type in your Personnel Number and PIN, then click on Login
If you forget your PIN: Type in your Personnel Number and Click on the Forget PIN button, your PIN number will be ed to your Polytechnic account.
If you UNSURE of what your PIN is: Type in your Personnel Number and Click on the REQUEST PIN button, your PIN number will be ed to your Polytechnic account.
To change Your PIN: Type in your Personnel Number and Current PIN, then click on CHANGE PIN button.
Type in Your NEW FIVE DIGIT pin, and retype it to VERIFY, then click on the CHANGE PIN button to save your new PIN.
Two options for Personnel iEnabler system are available: Leave Application System Personnel Maintenance
Click on the desired option to continue with your Leave Application or to view your Personal Details.
Only Leave Types that are linked to the relevant leave packages as per that employee type will be displayed. Choose the relevant Leave Type you want to apply leave for.
The Annual leave credit entitlement and current Leave balance, applicable to the specific leave type that has been selected is displayed Also NON-APPROVED leave applications will also be displayed Click on “NEW RECORD” to complete the leave application form
You can use the POPUP Calendar to choose your start & end dates for your leave from
The ‘Start Date’ displays the start of the leave period, The ‘End Date’ displays the end of the leave period applied for and utilizing the dates the system will automatically calculate the number of days (taking Weekends, Public and Institutional Holidays into account), The ‘Number of Days’ reflects the automatic calculation of the End Date. Do not enter anything in the ‘Number of Days’ box, but the rest of the fields on this screen must be entered. Click on “Save” to submit your form.
Only future Leave applications may be Cancelled via the Web Leave System, and then only if the record has not yet been updated to the employees record in the Standard Leave System i.e. there is a very small ‘window period’ wherein you may use the Web to cancel or convert a future application. After final Approval of a Leave Application has been granted – the Leave Application may only be Cancelled by a request to the HOD/Supervisor and then a official request to the HR Department to manually cancel the Leave Application.
“CLICK” on the leave record to proceed to the cancellation screen. NOTE: A Leave Cancellation Notification will be send to the HOD/Supervisor and the HR Department. The Leave Application would then be stopped. If your leave application does not display here any more and you want to cancel it, a official request should be sent to HR Department.
NOTE: The ‘Y’ indicates that the Leave Application is already Approved up to the Final Approval Level. To Cancel this leave application a Notification is send to the relevant parties to approve or reject the leave cancellation.
A staff member may at any time access their Personal History of Leave Records. Print screen if a “hard copy” is required.
Click Here to Select from a list of Leave Types. Then click on “SEARCH” button to display the records for your leave type.
Click on any of the Links to view a detailed record of the Leave you have taken or a leave adjustment.
Your individual leave record is displayed on this screen. Click on the “Back button” to go to previous screen.
PERSONNEL MAITENANCE This option allows a person to VIEW, CORRECT or UPDATE Basic Biographical Information as defined by the HR Department
Personnel Biographical Data Note that information on this Page is VIEW ONLY. If information is incorrect or incomplete please contact the HR Department.
Communication Detail Communication detail is displayed on this application, addresses, new records may be added. And displayed records may be changed. A list of all communication types that exists for the person are displayed on the screen. To change the data, select the communication type (blue) and process with the changes. Once a new record has been entered or a current record has been changed click on the “Save” button.
Query Address/Communication Types This option allows the user to query all address and communication types