ProcessCurrent situation Diverse processes From October 2015 in Workday Bedding in with HR support From January 2016 in Workday Business accountability How I manage my personal data How managers access team data Employees will be able to view and maintain their own personal information directly into Workday via “Personal Information”, depending on what changes are made an approval may be required by HR New starters will have access to Workday to complete personal details when they join UK – Contact with HR and Self service via ADP UK – Snowdrop/HR Hub Contact with HR and Self Service via Snowdrop UK – Requests to HR for information and reports UK – Snowdrop/HR Hub Access to information via Snowdrop UK – – HIG staff using the HR system UK – Snowdrop/HR Hub – RKH, AQUA & GCS using the Snowdrop and HR Hub solution Managers will access team data directly in Workday Managers are able to make changes and HR will be available to support Managers responsible for key processes, such as: “Create Position” “Change Job” “Request Compensation Change”
ProcessCurrent situation Diverse processes From October 2015 in Workday Bedding in with HR support From January 2016 in Workday Business accountability When we have a position to fill When we make an offer to someone When job changes happen When pay changes When someone leaves UK – Currently known as vacancy authorisation and is run on Easy web, all requests require approval from HR, Finance and Senior Management. UK – Snowdrop/HR Hub The RKH hire process currently requires approvals on paper/ once a suitable candidate has been found UK – This process will replace Easy web UK – Snowdrop/HR Hub Paper/ approvals are replaced and moved earlier in the recruitment process UK – Paper offer form captures details required for HR to produce offer paperwork UK – Snowdrop/HR Hub Paper offer form also used and is authorised by HR, Finance and Senior Management The “Create Position” process should be initiated by a manager to request authorisation to begin recruitment. It will then be authorised by HR, Finance and Senior Management. Information about the successful candidate will still need to be passed to HR for processing in Workday. The paper offer form will remain as it contains specific information required for HR to produce offer paperwork. If the offer is within the value approved in the position creation, no further approval would be required. “Job change” should be initiated by a Manager on workday and should eliminate the need for any job change forms. Approval by HR is built into the workflow. This process is currently managed via a paper change job details form. “Request Compensation Change” should be initiated by a Manager on workday and should eliminate the need for any job change forms. Approval s are built into the workflow. This process is currently managed via a paper change job details form. Paper or approval is required from HR, Finance and Senior Management. HR/Manager approvalFinance approval Senior Management approval “Terminate” employment can be initiated by a Manager. As holidays will be recorded on Workday, Managers won’t be required to provide information on what days have ben taken. This process is currently managed in various ways, often via s to the HR Employee Services Team “Job change” can be initiated by a Manager or HR, notifications trigger so both are in the loop. “Request Compensation Change” can be initiated by a Manager or HR. Approval s are built into the workflow. HR/Manager approvalFinance approval Senior Management approval “Terminate” employment can be initiated by a Manager or HR, notifications trigger so both are in the loop. Opportunity to enhance with Workday Recruitment
ProcessCurrent situation Diverse processes From October 2015 in Workday Bedding in with HR support From January 2016 in Workday Business accountability Requests for Time Off and Holidays Going on Leave of Absence The “Place Employee on Leave of Absence” process should be initiated by a Manager. Review by HR is built in. Balances (and carry overs up to 5 days) to be set from January 1 st. Employees to “Request Time Off” via Workday which requires manager review and approval UK – Paper or spreadsheets UK – Snowdrop/HR Hub Managed via Snowdrop and HR Hub with visibility across teams UK – Optional: Manager to manually load the balance of remaining days for each employee to open up the calendar for employee requests UK – Snowdrop/HR Hub Balances to be loaded from Snowdrop to Workday (note does not include bookings) NOTE: Snowdrop to remain open for bookings to end of 2015 UK – Entered into ADP by HR UK – Snowdrop/HR Hub Managed via Snowdrop The “Place Employee on Leave of Absence” can be initiated by HR or a Manager. Notifications trigger so both are in the loop. ProcessCurrent situation Diverse processes From October 2015 in Workday Bedding in with HR support From April 2016 in Workday Business accountability Benefit plans and elections Workday is single platform for Employee Benefits in the UK from April 2016 UK – Managed via HR Employee Services UK – Choices Managed via Choices UK – Benefits to be managed via Workday All new starters will have their Benefits managed via Workday UK – Choices Choices continues until April 2016
AreaStatusAction/mitigation HeadcountIsrael and SSI not yet in WorkdayTo be loaded in October SalaryCertain populations do not have compensation loaded Org chartCurrently in flux and being validatedBusiness to sign off structure Org namesSome lower level orgs not named Job TitlesJob Profiles concept not communicated, high volume of “placeholders” Cost CentresChanging structureEnsure Workday has latest TurnoverNo easily reportable history loadedTrends will build from day 1 Time OffChallenges transitioning from Snowdrop to Workday in the UK Specifically Workday cannot provide peer visibility of Time off Flexible approach Workday enhancement to come ContractsNotice and Covenants in Workday are UK/HIG only Not in Workday but coming soon: Performance, Appraisals, Talent Total Compensation Review Link to Training system (CS) Online payslips accessible from link within Workday (for UK) Employee Benefits in Workday from October 2015 (UK) Note: Choices stays until April 2016 Market Compensation Data not yet in Workday Known limitations & mitigating actions Workday is Single Sign On via OKTA, however we know not 100% of staff are on OKTA so a Username/Password link to Workday will be provided