doc.: IEEE /126r1 Submission January 2004 Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke ManorSlide 1 European 6 th Framework Update Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
doc.: IEEE /126r1 Submission January 2004 Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke ManorSlide 2 6th Framework Objective “The Sixth Framework Programme covers Community activities in the field of research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) for the period 2002 to 2006” Budget : € Million (~US$ 4000M)
doc.: IEEE /126r1 Submission January 2004 Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke ManorSlide 3 IST Information Society Technologies New project : AMBIENT will look at the future of mobile wireless (including wireless IP systems) over the next four years. At this stage, basically no public information is available on what projects will do in this area. even the first ones have only started this week. More information at the March meeting
doc.: IEEE /126r1 Submission January 2004 Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke ManorSlide 4 Motion IEEE WNG SC requests that working group chair establishes a liaison with the chair of European 6 th Framework. Raised : Bruce Kraemer Second : Stephen McCann For : 20 Against : 0 Abstain : 0