6K Cluster Orientation 6K Cluster Orientation Thursday October 9,2014 Welcome Parents/Guardians Mrs.DeVito
For those parents/guardians that were not able to join us today, here are a few highlights and valuable information from today’s orientation meeting. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know by ing me.
Welcome to the 6KCluster Orientation” Principal –Mrs. Karen Ditolla Assistant Principal for 6 th Grade – Mrs.Conenna School Website: is239.schoolwires.com School Phone Number : Guidance Counselor : Mrs. Lipschik/Ms Deggy Dean: Mr.Bell Talent Teachers Math/Computer - Mr. Paul Rubin Drama –Mr.DeCaro Vocal – Ms. Cascio Dance –Mrs.Principato CW-Ms.O’Brien 6K Cluster Teachers Social Studies –Mr.Costanzo English Language Arts –Mrs. DeVito Math –Mrs.Katz Science –Ms.Gargiulo Important Dates/Tests to Remember NYS ELA Test April 14-16th NYS Math Test April 22nd-24th You may view the state assessment calendar in its entirety at the NYState Dept.of education website
Homework Planners Every student received a HW planner in which they are to record their homework. Please check your child ’ s planner nightly. If necessary teachers often write notes in the planner. Please feel free to write a note to a teacher in the planner also. Your child should show the planner note to that teacher upon his/her return to school. 6K Tutoring Times Mondays – Ela & Science Thursdays - Math & Social Studies 6K Cluster Conferences If you have any concerns throughout the school year, please feel free to join us for a cluster conference on any of the days and times listed below. You can call the school or me to set up a cluster conference. Tuesday-period 7 1:04-1:48 Thursdays –period 1 8:20-9:00am Cluster Coordinator ’ s Thank you for attending the orientation. Homeroom- Each child MUST have a reading book during homeroom. They must be actively reading & documenting what they read on a reading log
Jupiter Grade- Jupiter Grades is an online grade book that the school chose to use which gives you access to your child's grades in most of the classes. A memo has been sent home with your username and password that gives you access to just your child's information. If you do NOT have one please Bus: Any bus concerns should be addressed to Mr.Bell, the dean. If it’s a bus issue about lateness contact the bus company directly. Social Media: PLEASE-PLEASE -PLEASE monitor your child’s account.
Important Information If your child needs to be picked up for an early dismissal, you MUST send a note with your child and CALL the school. Your child must give it to their homeroom teacher upon arriving to homeroom. Your child MUST give the note to the attendance secretary, Ms Kreisberg. NOTE: Students will not be released to anyone not written on the blue card. You MUST come into the school, show id and then your child will meet you downstairs at the welcome center.. Remember to bring the proper id.