Reynaldo Farfan Period 2
Slide 2 Suicide is a very serious matter. It is very good to know the myths from the facts. Believing myths may make you miss important signs of a suicidal person. Knowing the facts may help you help a suicidal person. I am going to talk about the myths and facts of suicide
Slide 3 The main idea of this section is the myths and facts about suicide The main idea of this section is the myths and facts about suicide.
Slide 4 One myth is that people who talk about suicide seldom won’t attempt suicide. The truth is suicide victims talk about suicide often before they attempt it. Another myth is that suicidal people are always tired, sad, and inactive. The fact is some suicidal people, teenagers in particular, may become more active and aggressive when they are going to
Slide 4 (Continued) attempt suicide. Another myth is that if a person tries to take their own lives and do not succeed, they usually won’t attempt it again. The truth is suicide victims have a history of several suicide attempts usually. The last important myth to know is if a depressed, suicidal person suddenly seems better, you don’t have to worry anymore. The fact is that
Slide 4 (Continued) the sudden shift in mood from depression to happy may indicate that he or she has resolved to commit suicide and needs help. An example is this: Jenny was very sad before and talked frequently about killing herself. The day she died, she seemed really happy but it was because she decided to kill herself. This is important for the
Slide 4 (Continued) class to know because suicide rates are increasing within teens and it is good to know the truths from the myths.
Slide 5 I once heard a story from a show and here it is: Susie wrote a poem about killing herself for language arts. She has been very sad since her grandpa died last month. Her friend, John, read the poem and thought that he shouldn’t worry, she never mentioned suicide before and that it was just a poem. She only talked about suicide once. On the
Slide 5 (Continued) day she killed herself, she seemed really happy and joked around with John a lot that day. John thought that she was back to her normal self since she is happy again and that it was weird that she had that sudden change. That night, John got a call from her parents reporting that she cut her self and died day she killed herself, she seemed really happy and joked around with John a lot that day. John thought that she was back to her normal self since she is happy again and that it was weird that she had that sudden change. That night, John got a call from her parents reporting that she cut her self and died.
Slide 6 I feel that this topic is serious, since it includes a person’s life at stake. That person can influence and hurt many people. The key points are all of the myths, to know them and not to believe them.
Slide 7 The whole point of this section is knowing the myths and truths about suicide. Knowing the differences can help you spot certain signs and help that person. Overall, these are the myths and truths.