Increasing Enrollment and CATE opportunities for more students at ACCTC
Aiken County (on time) Graduation Rates ACCTC Feeder High Schools District Average67.5% Aiken High School71.5% Midland Valley High School63.4% North Augusta High School62.5% Silver Bluff High School74.6% South Aiken High School69.0% Aiken County Career and Technology Center97.9%
Attend ACCTC 82 % Attend ACCTC 60 % Attend ACCTC 108 % Attend ACCTC 124 % Attend ACCTC 55 %5
1. High Expectations Motivate more students to meet higher standards by integrating high expectations into classroom practices and providing frequent feedback. 2. Program of Study Require each student to complete an upgraded academic core and a concentration. 3. Academic Studies Teach more students the essential concepts of the college-preparatory curriculum by encouraging them to apply academic content and skills to real-world problems and projects. 4. Career/technical studies Provide more students access to intellectually challenging career/technical studies in high-demand fields that emphasize the higher- level academic and problem-solving skills needed in the workplace and in further education. 5. Work-Based Learning Enable students and their parents to choose from programs that integrate challenging high school studies and work-based learning and are planned by educators, employers and students. High Schools That Work 10 Key Principals
6. Teachers Working Together Provide cross-disciplinary teams of teachers time and support to work together to help students succeed in challenging academic and career/technical studies. 7. Students Actively Engaged Engage students in academic and career/technical classrooms in rigorous and challenging proficient-level assignments using research-based instructional strategies and technology. 8. Guidance Involve students and their parents in a guidance and advisement system that develops positive relationships and ensures completion of an accelerated program of study with an academic or career/technical concentration. 9. Extra Help Provide a structured system of extra help to assist students in completing accelerated programs of study with high-level academic and technical content. 10. Culture of continuous improvement: Use data continually to improve school culture, organization, management, curriculum and instruction to advance student learning.
Current Skill Class Schedule AM StudentsPM Students 1 st period2 nd period3 rd period5 th period6 th period7 th period Skill English Skill English Skill English Skill English Skill English Skill English
Revised Skill Class Schedule AM Students 11 th Grade NEW MIDDLE BLOCK 10 th Grade PM Students 12 th Grade 1 st period2 nd period 4 th period 6 th period7 th period SKILL SKILL EXPLORATORY CLUSTER SKILL Digital MediaMechatronics/HVACWeldingHealth Science Electricity/ConstructionCADMachine ToolEmergency Medical Criminal JusticeHorticulture Computer Networking Automotive Skill Clusters
AM Students 11 th Grade NEW MIDDLE BLOCK 10 th Grade PM Students 12 th Grade 1 st period2 nd period 4 th period 6 th period7 th period SKILL SKILL EXPLORATORY CLUSTER SKILL AM StudentsPM Students 1 st period2 nd period3 rd period5 th period6 th period7 th period Skill ENGLISH
4. Career/technical studies Provide more students access to intellectually challenging career/technical studies in high-demand fields that emphasize the higher-level academic and problem-solving skills needed in the workplace and in further education.
Digital MediaMechatronics/HVACWeldingHealth Science Electricity/ConstructionCADMachine ToolEmergency Medical Criminal JusticeHorticulture Computer Networking Automotive 10 th Grade Skill Cluster Explore Period
Digital MediaMechatronics/HVACWeldingHealth Science Electricity/ConstructionCADMachine ToolEmergency Medical Criminal JusticeHorticulture Computer Networking Automotive
10 th Grade Student11 th Grade Student12 th Grade Student 1 st PeriodHome School Travel/ACCTC Home School 2 nd PeriodHome School ACCTC Home School 3 rd PeriodHome School Travel Home School LunchHome School 4 th Period Travel/ACCTC Home School 5 th Period ACCTC/Travel Home School Travel 6 th PeriodHome School ACCTC 7 th PeriodHome School ACCTC/Travel Credits5 + 1(CATE) = (CATE) = 6 2(CATE) + 2(CATE) = CATE Completer Current Two Session Schedule 10 th – 12 th Grade ( ) % Revised Three Session Schedule 10 th – 12 th Grade %