September 9, 2014 Ms. Campbell and Ms. Geller Welcome!!!
Debate is all about the art of rhetoric. Possible events include: Cross Examination/Policy Debate : Two person team takes affirmative or negative stance on an assigned topic Congressional Debate: Individual debate in a large group setting, proposing legislation Lincoln Douglas Debate: Individual debate; topic changes on a bimonthly basis Public Forum Debate: Two-person team, topic based on advocacy for a position Extemporaneous Commentary: Individual speeches on assigned current events topics Original Oratory: Individual persuasive speech based on personal feelings, convictions, or sources of concern Dramatic Performance Humorous Interpretation Duo Interpretation Impromptu Speaking Prose and Poetry Interpretation The Art of Public Speaking
Team meetings every other Tuesday morning at 8:00 Observe “Chattahoochee Cougar Classic” at CHS in Roswell weekend of September 26 (tentative) First school-level tournament…October (date TBD) See Tournament Calendar for full list of competitions in the area (we will not be participating in all of them, obviously…) First official meeting Tuesday, September 23 rd : Officer Elections Begin planning school-level tournament Look at topics Upcoming Events
To be eligible to participate, practice, and/or try out in forensics, a student must be academically eligible. A student is required to pass classes that count toward graduation the semester immediately preceding participation. Exception: First semester ninth grade students. (a) Passing for all member schools is a grade of seventy (70) on a one- hundred (100) point scale. (b) Students participating in junior varsity must meet all scholastic requirements. (c) Students must be passing in seventy-five percent (75%) of their classes that count toward graduation the semester immediately preceding participation. Eligibility
to to receive updates and reminders Visit the Debate page on Ms. Geller’s blog ( Information on topics, events, upcoming tournaments at or just Google “Georgia Speech and Debate” Stay in the loop…
Interest Inventory