©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 2 Habits A habit is something you do without thinking about it.
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 3 Effectiveness Effectiveness is habitually doing things that help you get great results over and over again.
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 4 7 Habits Tree Private Victory ® Public Victory ® Renewal
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 5 7 Habits Tree Private Victory ® Public Victory ® Renewal 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood ® 1. Be Proactive ® 2. Begin with the End in Mind ® 3. Put First Things First ® 4. Think Win-Win ® 6. Synergize ® 7. Sharpen the Saw ®
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 6 Personal Bank Account PBA DepositsPBA Withdrawals Keep promises Break personal promises. to yourself. Do small acts Keep to yourself. of kindness. Be gentle with yourself.Beat yourself up. Be honest.Be dishonest. Renew yourself.Wear yourself out. Tap into your talents.Neglect your talents.
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 7 Proactive vs. Reactive Can-Do PeopleNo-Can-Do People Take initiative to Wait for something to make it happen.happen to them. Think about solutions Think about problems and options.and barriers. Act.Are acted upon.
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 8 Pause, Think, Do PauseLearn to pause. ThinkThink about how you want to respond. DoDo the most proactive thing.
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 9 Steps to Planning 1Identify your big rocks. 2Block out time for your big-rock activities. 3Schedule everything else. 9
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 10 ©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 10
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 11 Relationship Bank Account RBA DepositsRBA Withdrawals Keep promises.Break promises. Do small acts Keep to yourself. of kindness. Be loyal.Gossip and break confidences. Listen.Don’t listen. Say you’re sorry.Be arrogant. Set clear expectations.Set false expectations.
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 12 Four Paradigms 1 Win-Lose 2 Lose-Win 3 Lose-Lose 4 Win-Win
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 13 Genuine Listening 40% TONE/ FEELING 53% BODY LANGUAGE 7% WORDS
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 14 Steps to Genuine Listening 1Listen with your eyes, heart, and ears. 2Stand in their shoes. 3Practice mirroring. 14
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 15 Mimicking vs. Mirroring Mimicking Is:Mirroring Is: Repeating words.Repeating meaning. Using the same words.Using your own words. Cold and indifferent.Warm and caring.
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 16 Getting to Synergy Action Plan Define the Problem or Opportunity Their Way (Seek first to understand the ideas of others.) Brainstorm (Create new opinions and ideas.) My Way (Seek to be understood by sharing your ideas.) High Way (Find the best solution.)
©2002 Franklin Covey Co. 17 Heart Four Dimensions Body Brain Soul